Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Trimming Operational Costs: Unveiling Mattermost's Cross-Cluster Migration

When it comes to managing infrastructure resources, striking a balance between rightsizing and cost optimization is crucial. Our cloud infrastructure at Mattermost runs on multiple Kubernetes clusters, RDS clusters, and S3 buckets, all isolated from each other for enhanced security and performance.

Struggling to link #github and #jira?

🎥 Check out this clip from Ken's YouTube video where he demystifies the process of integrating Jira & GitHub, making it a breeze for both cloud and self-managed setups. From simplified code reviews to GitHub web links & the Git Roll Up tab, this integration can help streamline your project management and development processes, making collaboration more efficient than ever! 👍

Boost your #Development Workflow with Cloud Patches #shorts

Meet Trevor 👋 He's a developer just like you, and sharing code is a crucial part of his workflow. That's why he's working on Cloud Patches – a streamlined way to get feedback earlier in the development process and save yourself from potential coding headaches! With just a few clicks, Trevor can convert his local #Git changes into a shareable patch, eliminating the delays of traditional methods like updating remotes or creating pull requests. 🔀

Atlassian welcomes AI to the team | Atlassian

Our mission at Atlassian is to unleash the potential of every team. We believe the future of teamwork will be a partnership between humans and artificial intelligence (AI), wherever work gets done. We’re excited to announce that the first wave of Atlassian Intelligence capabilities are generally available across our cloud platform. These not only empowers teams by boosting individual productivity, they also harness organizational data to make insights immediately accessible, and leverage those insights to simplify data-driven decision-making.