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eG Innovations

Choosing the Best Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Technology for Your Enterprise

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a technology that refers to the use of virtual machines to provide and manage virtual desktops. Users access virtual desktops from their laptops, desktops, thin clients, or mobile devices from anywhere. Virtual desktops are hosted in a data center, on servers, and all the necessary processing is done on the server that hosts the virtual desktops.

Citrix Monitoring Masterclass with George Spiers - Q&A

Citrix monitoring refers to the ability to monitor Citrix services end-to-end. It includes the ability to monitor user experience – from logon time to application launch time to screen refresh latency so administrators can easily monitor and track if they are meeting their service levels (SLAs).

Static vs Dynamic Alert Thresholds for Monitoring

Every modern monitoring product will have some capabilities to leverage thresholds of some sort to automatically raise alerts when critical metrics pass a value that indicates something of concern may be occurring, such as a performance slowdown, resource constraint, or availability issue.

Free Logon Simulator for AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) - Now Available!

I’m excited to be able to announce the availability of the new eG Enterprise Express Logon Simulator for AVD that now provides any AVD administrator with a no-risk, powerful “synthetic” monitoring tool to track logon performance and failures.Slow logon performance has been one of the most challenging user complaints that VDI and digital workspace administrators and support teams have to deal with.

What is Real User Monitoring (RUM)? Detailed Guide with Use Cases and Benefits

Near-instantaneous performance. Silky smooth user experience. This is what your digital users are expecting from your web application. If they perceive slowness or encounter failures in their user experience, they will readily switch to a competitor. Failures are a fact of life. The SRE (site reliability engineering) movement is helping craft modern digital systems that are engineered for resilience to failures.

Azure Virtual Desktops: Questions & Answers

Recently, we hosted a great joint webinar with the team from AVD TechFest to present the results of a survey we conducted jointly to assess real-world Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) usage and industry and customer sentiments towards the AVD technologies. Alongside myself, Peter Claridge from eG Innovations and Simon Binder, digital workplace architect at Cygate and co-founder of the community-oriented AVD TechFest, were answering Azure Virtual Desktop questions.

Top Freeware and Open-source IT Monitoring Tools

There are hundreds of monitoring tools available in the market for enterprises and MSPs to choose from. Many of these tools are open source or freeware. Over the years, the functionality of many of these open source tools have improved greatly. In this blog, we highlight the top open source IT monitoring tool options and discuss their pros and cons.

Monitoring Moodle Applications to Deliver High Quality Educational Services

In this article, we will cover a case study of one of our higher education customers using eG Enterprise to proactively monitor and troubleshoot their Moodle applications to ensure service availability and performance for their staff and students.