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Top Node.js Metrics to Monitor

Making Node.js applications quick and sturdy is a tricky task to get right. Nailing the performance just right with the V8 engine Node.js is built on is not at all as simple as one would think. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, where you let the interpreter assign types to variables. If you’re not careful this can lead to memory leaks.

Node.js Monitoring Made Easy with Sematext

Node.js monitoring is a tricky task. There are certain challenges to look out for. Because Node.js is a dynamically typed programming language and single-threaded you give the interpreter and runtime a lot of freedom to make decisions. This can easily result in memory leaks and high CPU loads. Parallel execution is simulated in Node.js by using asynchronous execution of functions. But, if a single function blocks the thread or event queue, the application performance will take a huge hit.

Restify vs. Sails vs. Hapi: Node.js Framework Comparison

In the last decade, Node.js has rapidly risen in popularity as a server-side programming language. With that popularity, we’ve seen no shortage of frameworks aiming to make developers’ lives easier. Although they are lesser-known than other Node.js frameworks, Hapi, Sails, and Restify are a few options that have a lot to offer.

8 Unbeatable Reasons to Choose NodeJS for Building Your Ecommerce Store

The increasing numbers of business are switching to e-commerce business to sell their products. As of now, there are more than 7,500,000 online stores operating around the world. Naturally, every online retailer is always in the lookout for the best possible ways to outlive their competition. E-commerce businesses cannot compromise on the performance, speed, usability, and scalability of their websites and this is why they need to choose the appropriate technologies diligently.

Node.js vs Python for a Beginner's Web App

Learning to build webapps is an exciting process, but it comes with its own set of challenges. As a newer developer, deciding what programming language will bring your big idea to life is a common challenge. There are lots of terrific choices for building webapps on the market. Today, we’ll focus on two of 2019’s most popular options: Node.js vs Python.

Debug Your Node.js Projects with Source Maps

As you probably know, source maps allow you to view source code context obtained from stack traces in their original, untransformed form. This view is particularly useful when attempting to debug minified code (like UglifyJS) or transpiled code (like TypeScript or ES6). We’ve made the analogy before, but source maps act as the decoder ring to your secret (minified or transpiled) code.

Node.js Performance Tuning and Testing

We know Node.js for its lightning-fast performance. Yet, as with any language, you can write Node.js code that performs worse for your users than you’d like. To combat this, we need adequate performance testing. Today, we will cover just that with an in-depth look at how to set up and run a performance test and analyze the results so you can make lightning-fast Node.js applications.