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[KubeCon Recap] Cloud Native Architecture: Monoliths or Microservices?

Microservices have been gaining popularity since they were introduced in 2015. But they come with challenges for both developers and users because of the intricate configuration and deployment which often leave developers longing for the simplicity of monolithic applications.

6 Key Benefits of Microservices Architecture

One challenge for developers beginning a new project is choosing between monolithic and microservice architecture. According to Camunda research, 63% of enterprise level companies have taken steps to apply microservice architecture. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits and implementation of microservice architecture and why enterprise level companies, like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber, are choosing this architecture over traditional monolithic architecture?

From Zero to DevOps Superhero: The Container Edition - Jessica Deen, Microsoft

Microservices can be hard; understanding container best practices can be hard as those practices are still being discovered. This session aids in minimizing the learning curve with container orchestration, specifically Kubernetes, by bringing DevOps best practices into the mix. This is not another HelloWorld session with quick tips. Instead, you can expect a deep dive into how you can truly go from zero to DevOps superhero by simply selecting container tooling specifically built for simplifying the process.

CI/CD for Microservices Best Practices on DevOps.com

You have finally split your big monolith into microservices. Now what? How do you validate a more complex application? And how do you make it scale? Instead of having one CI/CD pipeline, you have multiple. And as the number of microservices increases so does the number of pipelines. Managing pipelines for microservice applications can quickly get out of hand, especially when you try to reuse common pipeline parts between different applications.

Canary Release on Kubernetes with Spinnaker, Istio, and Prometheus

In a microservices world, applications consist of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of components. Manually deploying and verifying deployment quality in production is virtually impossible. Kubernetes, which natively supports rolling updates, enables blue-green application deployments with Spinnaker. However, the gradual rollout is a feature that doesn't come out-of-the-box but can be achieved by adding Istio and Prometheus to the equation.

Serverless Microservice Patterns Used In AWS

With serverless computing, our daily tasks and routines are much more comfortable than they used to be before. Serverless allows us to put our focus on the code itself without the need to worry about the configuration of the underlying compute resources or maintenance. Numerous cloud providers (AWS included) gives us a variety of previously managed services which we can combine and create a massively scalable and incredibly robust serverless microservices.

Key Insights From Forrester Research on Containers and Microservices

In our previous post about containers and microservices, we covered the challenges of monitoring these new technologies as well as how you can use software-defined IT operations tools to overcome them. The recently released Forrester Research report, Monitoring Containerized Microservices?

Nanoservices vs. Microservices

Software often seems like a benign version of Game of Thrones, in which any dominant or ascending technology/methodology is constantly challenged by newer and more attractive rivals. So as soon as microservices entered the mainstream, it didn’t take long until some developers saw it as flawed, and proposed nanoservices as a replacement. In this article, we ask why the move to breaking down software into smaller and smaller pieces is a good idea.

Your Journey to Cloud-Native Begins with DevOps, Microservices, and Containers

Everyone is excited about cloud-native applications. And for good reason! They're scalable, resilient, portable across cloud environments, and make it easier to incorporate customer feedback quickly. But there's a catch: cloud-native applications fundamentally change the way you provision, deploy, and manage your infrastructure.