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Improving web performance with browser hints & preload

When it comes to making the Internet a better experience for all, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to enhance website performance. In this article, we look at browser hints like prefetch and prerender along with the newer preload directive to see how they can potentially improve performance. We also take into consideration what that means for synthetic and real browser monitoring.

4 reasons why website performance matters for your business

We get it! You spent a lot of time working out your architecture, fine-tuning your user interface, and pouring money into launching and marketing your product or site, and you need to get more customers and keep the ones that you’ve got. Website performance is key to both retention and acquisition, so hopefully you took some time to ensure that you delivered a performant site or service.

Uptrends moves up the ranks on Main Software Top 50 2017

We’ve moved up nine places in the rankings from number 18 in 2016 to number nine in 2017 on the Investment firm of Main Capital Partners’ list of the top 50 Dutch software companies. The rankings are calculated based on each companies’ revenue (in and out of Europe), growth, and SaaS revenue. For the last six years, Main Capital Partners have published their Main 50 list to celebrate the Dutch technology industry.

Introducing Multi-step API Monitoring

Uptime is great, but knowing that the APIs you and your customers rely on are functioning and performing well is a great burden off your shoulders. Our new Multi-step API Monitor gives you all the control you need to test for uptime, performance, and function of your API. Using our new Multi-step API Monitor, you can test everything from redirects and authentication, to sequenced API calls that require the reuse of variables pulled from the previous API responses.

Reliable free website monitoring from Uptrends

We stand by our commitment to making the Internet a better place, so we are excited to bring you Uptrends Free! We are putting quality uptime, performance monitoring, and alerts in the hands of everyone that cares about making sure their site remains available for all. You never need to worry again about site outages going unnoticed with Uptrends Free. Here is what you get.