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GitKraken Client 9.3: Skip the Corporate UI and Stay in That Sweet GitKraken Dark Theme

This release is all about improving our Azure DevOps integration. According to our super sea-cret metrics, Azure DevOps is our users’ third most popular Git hosting service, after GitHub and Bitbucket. That explains why so many of you have sent in support tickets or submitted feature requests to make the integration with Azure match the excellent experience users have with our Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab integrations.

Creating & Merging Pull Requests in VS Code

My name is Luca Del Puppo, I’m a FullStack Developer in Claranet It. I have been a software developer since 2013. I have a background in c# with.net framework, but lately, I’ve moved to Node and React. I’m working for a consulting company, and typically I try to use my experience to help customers to get rid of their problems, remove roadblocks, and achieve their business goals.

Top 5 Reasons Why GitHub Enterprise is the Ideal Solution for Your Company's Workflows

GitHub is an extremely popular, web-based repository hosting service that allows developers to store their Git repos in a central location. GitHub Enterprise is one of GitHub’s many product offerings. Tailored for mid-size to large companies, GitHub Enterprise includes enhanced code management solutions, additional code security features, automation support, and a range of additional features for optimizing workflows.

How to Set Up a GitHub Profile README

What’s up!? My name is Mikaela Caron, I’m an iOS Engineer at Lickability, and also a freelance developer, GitKraken Ambassador, and content creator. I make content on YouTube, Instagram, and Mastodon / Twitter about iOS development and freelancing. I also organize a monthly online meetup called iOS Dev Happy Hour. I wrote this article to explain the benefits of having a profile README, how to create your own, and show a few examples of public profiles.

How to Conduct Efficient Code Reviews with GitLens

Code reviews are a massively beneficial way to improve code quality, identify vulnerabilities, and establish coding best practices. According to Microsoft researchers, peer code reviews improve code quality by 15–35%. In addition, according to the Journal of Systems and Software, peer code reviews increase accountability by 30–40%.

Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders or Clients

Most of the time, working with clients to create, improve, or enhance software is a great experience. You get to put your skills to the test and create unique solutions that improve people’s workflows and quality of life. However, there are occasions when working with a client can get out of control. For example, a client might make a last minute request that derails project timelines and stretches the scope beyond what was agreed on in the beginning.

Using GitKraken Client in WSL 2

WSL 2 is useful for developers who prefer a Linux development environment but need to use Windows as their primary operating system. And GitKraken Client is used by developers and teams to visualize and work efficiently with their Git repositories. With the 9.1 release of GitKraken Client, you can combine the benefits of both resources. In this article, we will explore the advantages associated with using GitKraken Client in WSL 2 and provide step-by-step instructions on how to get set up.

GitKraken Client 9.1: When Our Users Speak, We Listen

In our 2022 year in review, we recapped the six highly-requested features that were implemented over the course of the year. We also acknowledged the five highly-requested features that “got away” – meaning we hadn’t gotten to them… yet! Well, GitKraken Client 9.1 is here, we’re happy to share that two of those enhancements are now accounted for, along with other user-requested features and improvements that represent input from over 1,000 users.

Install & Configure the AWS CLI | A Beginner's Guide

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your AWS resources from the command line. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or DevOps engineer, the AWS CLI can help you automate and streamline your workflows, increase productivity, and improve the security of your AWS infrastructure. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of installing and configuring the AWS CLI on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

GitHub Actions for Azure

This post was written by guest author, Nahla Davies. Nahla has been in the software space since 2010 and a technical writer since 2019. She previously served as a lead programmer at an Inc. 5,000 experiential branding organization whose clients include Samsung, Time Warner, Netflix, and Sony. Microsoft Azure is widely popular among developers and across organizations because it’s scalable, flexible, and customizable.