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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

Our recent speed comparison of major headless browser automation tools, namely Puppeteer, Playwright and WebDriverIO with DevTools and Selenium, received a very positive response. The single most common ask from our readers was that we follow up by including Cypress in our benchmark. In this article, we are doing just that - with some precautions.

Unit Testing: What You Need To Know

In our latest guide covering the essentials and best practices for software development we are detailing some of the necessary basics that you need to know about unit testing before you get started. To explain examples, best practices and some of the top queries around unit testing we’ve invited contributors Nelson Ford, Founder and Principal Solutions Architect at Pilotcore Systems & Ryo Chikazawa, CEO of Autify to share their thoughts below.

How To Report On Software Testing

Being able to write concise, easily comprehensible software testing reports is an important skill for software development team members to possess, particularly those in quality assurance, development, and support. Poorly written software testing reports can make the development process more difficult and less productive. Imagine a client asks if their app is ready for launch and based on your assessment, everything is working correctly.

Best Website Performance Testing Tools

What is the usual criteria in choosing an online store? It should have reasonable prices, sell quality products, and most of all, it should have a fast loading time. A website’s performance is essential. A two-second delay can make a big difference to your website and revenue as well. In fact, Neil Patel reported that a mere second delay may cost an e-commerce site up to $2.5 million in sales annually.

Best Performance Testing Tools

Implementing the best performance testing tools allows for an optimized end user experience and improved web performance. In order to execute accurate and effective performance testing, it is important for QA engineers to have access to the right set of tools. With the plethora of performance testing tools, it has become tedious to pick the right tool for your use case. Let’s explore our list of the best performance testing tools.

Web performance: How to load test

Website owners commonly ask why they need a website performance load tester. Throughout web history, some extremely popular sites have had their fair share of serious downtimes. Either they get massive traffic volumes, or their website simply crashes. Thus, web performance load tester services check the application’s ability to perform under anticipated user loads.

Load Test Your Rails Apps with Apache JMeter

Every Rails app has a breaking point; a level of activity that it simply cannot handle. Your braking point depends on big architectural decisions, yes — and also on the tiniest changes committed by your most junior developer. That's why it's vital to regularly test your application's performance under load. In this article, Milap Neupane gives us a Rails-centric introduction to load testing with a powerful open-source tool called JMeter.

Red Team Tools Detection and Alerting

The FireEye breach on Dec 8, 2020, was executed by a “nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” These hackers got a hold of FireEye’s own toolkit, which they can use to mount new attacks globally. What does this mean for you? Mandiant is a leading Red Team/Penetration Testing company with a highly sophisticated toolkit, called the "Red Team tools." These are digital tools that replicate some of the best hacking tools in the world.

10 Best Synthetic Monitoring & Testing Tools of 2020: Pros & Cons Comparison

Synthetic monitoring has been a staple of performance testing for years now and it’s probably going to stay that way for quite some time. Also called proactive monitoring, this relatively simple way of keeping track of the performance of your website, and is your safest bet to ensure you can rise to your visitors’ expectations.