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From Concept to Launch: What It Takes to Build and Ship a New Device

Our panel of embedded engineering experts has decades of experience building complex IoT products for successful launches across different industries. They’ve seen and triaged countless issues and will provide you with insights they’ve learned throughout their careers. Learn everything it takes to successfully ship a new embedded device.

An Introduction to Memfault's IoT Reliability Platform

Memfault's platform includes device debugging, performance monitoring, and over-the-air update capabilities. These not only help streamline the device development process and quickly identify and resolve issues; but additionally provide insights into your device performance, identify trends, and proactively address potential problems before they impact users. Watch to see a demo of our IoT reliability platform.

Monitoring Your IoT Devices Using Mosquitto and Graphite

Monitoring IoT devices is a very important process for analyzing their behavior and ensuring their performance. You need to choose the right monitoring tools to effectively collect and analyze metrics. In this article, we will learn how to monitor your IoT devices using Mosquitto and Graphite. You will also find out what benefits you can get using a Hosted Graphite solution from MetricFire. Check out MetricFire’s free trial to test all the features it provides.

Optimize Industrial IoT Data with InfluxDB and AWS

The modern factory’s relationship with data is experiencing a major change. Data now shapes the future rather than only telling the story of the past. The language inside the factory sounds like higher Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as the result of a shift from preventive to predictive maintenance. It could also look like expanding business goals to a new market based on impactful data-driven decisions. A change in purpose requires an update in technology.

Tracealyzer 4.8 Is Out

Tracealyzer version 4.8 has just been released, with major optimizations and improvements for Zephyr RTOS, and support for 64-bit target processors (FreeRTOS, Zephyr and SafeRTOS only). In addition, the ESP32 support is upgraded to use the latest TraceRecorder library, supporting all recent versions of ESP-IDF up to v5.2 dev. Snapshot tracing is now primarily supported by the implementation for streaming mode, using the RingBuffer stream port.

Derive Insights from Machine Data with InfluxDB

The panel discussion “From Machine Data to Business Insights, Building the Foundations of Industrial Analytics” discussed modern methods and benefits of deriving insights from machine data. InfluxDB Developer Advocate Jay Clifford explained the trend now is to “allow the builders to bring the Lego blocks and build them together how they see fit.

Bazel Build System for Embedded Projects

Selecting a build system is an essential decision when creating a project. Changing is always painful, especially in a mature repository. Therefore the choice should be made carefully. With this article, I will try to describe a few advantages of what Bazel can provide in the context of an embedded repository and show how to set up a build environment with a cross compiler from scratch.