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Introducing Epinio 0.6: Smaller, Faster *and* More Capable!

With our latest releases of Epinio, we’ve focused on making both the setup and developer experience much more streamlined. We’ve looked at where users are having issues and removed many of the roadblocks. This reduced footprint also allows for more customizability and easier long-term maintenance. If you are not familiar with Epinio, it is an application development engine for Kubernetes that lets you go from code to URL in a single step.

Running Serverless Applications on Kubernetes with Knative

Kubernetes provides a set of primitives to run resilient, distributed applications. It takes care of scaling and automatic failover for your application and it provides deployment patterns and APIs that allow you to automate resource management and provision new workloads.

Automate Deployments to Amazon EKS with Skaffold and GitHub Actions

Creating a DevOps workflow to optimize application deployments to your Kubernetes cluster can be a complex journey. I recently demonstrated how to optimize your local K8s development workflow with Rancher Desktop and Skaffold. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it by viewing the video below. You might be wondering, “What happens next?” How do you extend this solution beyond a local setup to a real-world pipeline with a remote cluster?