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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Adam Frank Demos Moogsoft Express June 24, 2020

As part of a live launch event, Adam Frank, Moogsoft's VP of Product and Design, demoed the latest AIOps & Observability solution for cloud-first companies: Moogsoft Express. Moogsoft Express helps DevOps and SREs detect app performance problems, keep software pipelines humming and honor customer SLAs — all while being extremely simple to use.

What Observability Means to Digital Experience Monitoring

It would not be wrong to say that Observability is the new buzz word for the last couple of years at least and often we find organizations burden themselves with questions like – The answer to these questions lies in understanding the concept of Observability and how it ties in with the digital experience monitoring strategy of your organization and only then can you determine where you stand in terms of Observability.

Dogfooding for Deploys: How Honeycomb Builds Better Builds with Observability

Observability changes the way you understand and interact with your applications in production. Beyond knowing what’s happening in prod, observability is also a compass that helps you discover what’s happening on the way to production. Pierre Tessier joins us on Raw & Real to talk about how Honeycomb uses observability to improve the systems that support our production applications.

Using Observability as a Proxy for Customer Happiness

Today, users and customers are driven by response rates to their online requests. It’s no longer good enough to just have a request run to completion, it also has to fit within the perceived limits of “fast enough”. Yet, as we continue to build cloud-native applications with microservice architectures, driven by container orchestration like Kubernetes in public clouds, we need to understand the behavior of our system across all aspects, not just one.

Logging tool no more: Observability sheds light on Dark's business growth and helps their customers scale

Dark is a programming language and platform that enables building serverless backends. There’s no infra, framework or deployment nightmares. It’s a new paradigm in software delivery. As a startup, the Dark team is constantly making decisions about where to invest in improvements to support customer needs. With Honeycomb, they can observe user behavior and make business decisions based on meaningful data.

Cloud Operations

Are you currently operating on a hybrid-cloud or multi-cloud architecture and wanting to standardize SLO’s, observability, and alerting across your platforms? In this video, Yuri Grinshteyn shows you common architecture patterns for a hybrid observability approach. Watch to learn how you can standardize observability across multiple cloud providers!

Full Observability: From Push to Production

Understand what happens as soon as you do a code push until long after your code lands in production. Observability is looking into your code as it runs in production, and understanding the impact of your changes in real-time. With the right understanding, you make informed decisions, spending less time fixing, and more time improving. See how Codefresh and Honeycomb can help you push your code to production with confidence.

3 ways secrets management improves monitoring & observability

Monitoring — by its very nature — requires privileged access to internal and external services. In order to safely maintain visibility into critical systems, it’s vital to have some form of secrets management to manage authentication credentials (AKA, "secrets"), including passwords, keys, APIs, tokens, and any other sensitive pieces of information in your IT infrastructure.