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Splunk Redefines Application Performance Monitoring with SignalFx Microservices APM

Splunk has a new Application Performance Monitoring solution purpose-built for monitoring and observability in today’s app-driven world: SignalFx Microservices APM. Learn from Rick Fitz, SVP and GM of IT Markets, and Karthik Rau, Area GM for Application Management, about the new release of SignalFx Microservices APM and how it helps DevOps teams innovate faster, elevate customer experience, and future-proof applications — all while adopting cloud-native technologies and microservices architectures.

Bringing Threat Intelligence to Security Playbooks - Recorded Future and Splunk Phantom

Recorded Future is a longtime Splunk integration partner. Recorded Future's integration with Splunk Phantom allows them to empower security operations center (SOC) analysts with automated, real-time threat intelligence to drive smarter, faster security decisions.

The DevOps Workflow

At the center of DevOps practices is automation and workflow - but what does that actually mean? In this episode of Dissecting DevOps, Dave and Chris talk about the ideal state of DevOps workflows, and why an iterative approach to DevOps processes is critical for the long term success of DevOps practices and principles. Dave McAllister and Chris Riley are DevOps Advocates at Splunk.

Graph Analytics Using Splunk and the Machine Learning Toolkit

Almost all data in Splunk can be turned into graphs, and that's possibly something you may not have considered before. In your network traffic data, a source IP connects to a destination IP with attributes like bytes in/out, packets, ports, and other properties. Users log into an interconnected stack of systems, services, devices and applications which are connected with each other. Transactions run from A to B to C and may describe a process that helps you analye user journeys and business processes in general.

Containers, Microservices, and Kubernetes

Faster application development requires more agile application infrastructure. Containers started the transformation of modern application architectures which now are dominated by microservices running on Kubernetes. In this episode of Dissecting DevOps find out how cloud infrastructure has changed, how the modern architectures make application development easier, and the unique challenges introduced by microservices and Kubernetes.

Logs and Metrics and Traces, Oh My!

There are a lot of aspects to supporting modern applications, and it all starts with the data applications produce that give visibility and insights into what is going on. In the first episode of Dissecting DevOps, Dave and Chris review the differences between logs, metrics, and traces. Find out how these sources of data help you better understand and support your application.