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May 2022

What is OpenTelemetry

You may have previously heard about OpenTelemetry (also known as OTel) if you have looked into improved ways of standardising different data types. In this article, we’ll delve into the key things you need to know about OpenTelemetry and how this unified standard may become the future of how logs, metrics, events and traces are all handled.

Introducing native support for OpenTelemetry in Jaeger

The latest Jaeger v1.35 release introduced the ability to receive OpenTelemetry trace data via the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP), which all OpenTelemetry SDKs are required to support. This is a follow-up to the previous announcement to retire Jaeger’s “classic” client libraries. With this new capability, it is no longer necessary to use the Jaeger exporters with the OpenTelemetry SDKs, or to run the OpenTelemetry Collector in front of the Jaeger backend.

Auto-Instrumenting NestJS Apps with OpenTelemetry

In this tutorial, we will go through a working example of a NestJS application auto-instrumented with OpenTelemetry. In our example we will use a simple application that outputs “Hello World!” when we call it in the browser. We will instrument this application with OpenTelemetry’s Node.js client library to generate trace data and send it to an OpenTelemetry Collector. The Collector will then export the trace data to an external distributed tracing analytics tool of our choice.

OpenMetrics vs OpenTelemetry - A guide on understanding these two specifications

OpenMetrics and OpenTelemetry are popular standards for instrumenting cloud-native applications. Both projects are part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and aim to simplify how we generate, collect and monitor services in a modern cloud-native distributed application environment. Let's have a look at how both the standards are aiming to help solve the observability conundrum.

3 key benefits that prove OpenTelemetry is the future of APM

Application performance monitoring (APM) solutions were designed to catch anomalies in an application or website's backend and provide meaningful insights to rectify issues in real time. Lately, though, APM solution providers have been left playing catch-up to be more inclusive of newly emerging technologies and the operational challenges they bring. OpenTelemetry (OTel) simplifies the issues caused by the demands of modern applications.

How to Monitor Active Directory with OpenTelemetry

We’re excited to announce that we’ve recently contributed Active Directory Domain Services (abbreviated Active Directory DS) monitoring support to the OpenTelemetry collector. You can check it out here! You can utilize this receiver in conjunction with any OTel collector: including the contrib collector, the observIQ’s distribution of the collector, as well as Google’s Ops Agent, as a few examples.

Instrumenting your webpack-bundled JS code

OpenTelemetry (OTel) is an emerging industry standard that dev teams use to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry to better understand software performance and behavior. At Helios, we leverage OTel to provide developers with actionable insights into their code within distributed systems. We give them visibility into how data flows through their applications, enabling them to quickly identify, reproduce and debug issues in their flows.

Tools for tracing microservice architecture

Microservices are a popular architectural style for building applications that are resilient, highly scalable, independently deployable, and able to evolve quickly. But a successful microservices architecture requires a different approach to designing and building applications. A microservices architecture consists of a collection of small, autonomous services. Each service is self-contained and should implement a single business capability within a bounded context.

How to monitor MongoDB with OpenTelemetry

MongoDB is a document-oriented and cross-platform database that maintains its documents in the binary encoded JSON format. Mongo’s replication capabilities and horizontal capability using sharding make MongoDB highly available. An effective monitoring solution can make it easier for you to identify issues with MongoDB such as resource availability, execution slowdowns, and scalability. observIQ recently built and contributed a MongoDB metric receiver to the OpenTelemetry contrib repo.

AWS Service Observability using OpenTelemetry

Efficient use of observability statistics is essential to any microservice architecture. OpenTelemetry is a project supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to enhance the observability of microservice projects. AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) is an AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project specifically designed to improve the observability of AWS projects.

Announcing OpenTelemetry Metrics are Now Available as Release Candidates

Splunk is all-in on OpenTelemetry, as exemplified by our native support for it in Observability Cloud, Splunk Enterprise and Enterprise Cloud’s usage of the OpenTelemetry Collector with Splunk Connect for OpenTelemetry Kubernetes, our long-term ambition to use OpenTelemetry as the main way that all Splunk Products capture data from customers’ infrastructure and applications for analysis, and our massive level of contribution to the project.

Ingest OpenTelemetry traces and metrics with the Datadog Agent

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) initiative that provides open, vendor-neutral standards and tools for instrumenting services and applications. Many organizations use OpenTelemetry’s collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools to collect and export observability data from their environment to their preferred backend. As part of our ongoing commitment to OpenTelemetry, we are proud to have contributed our distributed tracing libraries to the CNCF community.

Tracing a Ruby application with OpenTelemetry for performance monitoring

Ruby on Rails is a popular MVC framework for creating web applications. It is necessary to monitor your Ruby applications for performance issues. In today’s cloud-native and microservices-based architecture, it is difficult for engineering teams to troubleshoot performance issues. Tracing your application can give the much needed context required to troubleshoot performance issues.

Observability - for your test runs too

“Cloud native” – working in distributed systems using microservices and DevOps – has promised a lot, and indeed delivered a lot. Among the biggest benefits, in a cloud-native distributed architecture it’s easier and more cost-effective to scale parts of an application. When one part fails, it is less likely to impact other services and the services can still communicate with each other.

How to Monitor Microsoft IIS with OpenTelemetry

The OpenTelemetry members at observIQ are excited to add Microsoft IIS metric monitoring support to OpenTelemetry! You can now easily monitor your IIS web servers with the oIQ OpenTelemetry Collector. You can add the IIS metric receiver to any OpenTelemetry collector. This post demonstrates just one configuration for shipping metrics with OpenTelemetry components. This configuration and many other observIQ OpenTelemetry configurations are available in the oIQ Opentelemetry Collector.

Ask Miss O11y: Not Your Aunt's Tracing

Dear Miss O11y, How is modern observability using tracing, such as Honeycomb, different from the previous distributed tracing software I'm familiar with, like Dapper, at my company? I haven't really been able to wrap my head around Dapper. Does "advanced" observability mean that it's even more complicated than Dapper is? Auntie Alphabet.

Implementing OpenTelemetry in a Rust application for performance monitoring

OpenTelemetry can be used to trace Rust applications for performance issues and bugs. OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data. Telemetry data includes logs, metrics, and traces. Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency.

An introduction to trace sampling with Grafana Tempo and Grafana Agent

Greetings friends, one and all! Over here on the Field Engineering team, we’re often asked about tracing. Two questions that come up frequently: Do I need to sample my traces? and How do I sample my traces? The folks asking are usually using tracing stores where it’s simply not possible to store all of the traces being generated. Those are great questions and the answers depend on a few different factors.

Monitor your Elixir application with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz

OpenTelemetry can be used to instrument your Elixir applications to generate telemetry data. The telemetry data can then be visualized using an observability tool to monitor your Elixir application performance. In this tutorial, we will use OpenTelemetry Elixir libraries to instrument an Elixir application and then visualize it using SigNoz. Somewhere during the lifetime of an application, it's inevitable that it will have some performance issues.

How to collect Prometheus metrics with the OpenTelemetry Collector and Grafana

OpenTelemetry is a set of APIs, SDKs, tooling, and integrations that are designed for the creation and management of telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. One of the main components of OpenTelemetry, or OTel for short, is the OpenTelemetry Collector. The OpenTelemetry Collector, or Otel Collector, is a vendor-agnostic proxy that can receive, process, and export telemetry data.

What Is Telemetry and Why Is It Important?

Properly leveraging telemetry is a true game-changer for any IT department looking to optimize and stabilize its systems. Telemetry provides the first step to answering the all-important question, “What’s happening in my network?” It’s your eye into the inner workings of your system, giving you a view into how different components are performing.

New in Grafana 8.5: How to jump from traces to Splunk logs

The recent release of Grafana 8.5 marks the start of enabling the jump from traces directly to Splunk logs. It’s a big leap that now allows you to draw a straight line between your traces — whether they are coming from Tempo, Zipkin, or Jaeger — to even more third-party logging data, all from the comfort of your traces view. Previously, the Grafana trace to logs enablement included only Loki logs.

Instrumenting Your Custom Application Code with OpenTelemetry

Application Monitoring, or Application Tracing, is an important piece of Observability within your application and stack. Application tracing involves installing an API and/or SDK in your application which then instruments, or wraps your application code with other code that measures the time spent in certain areas of your code, and adds important contextual information to the traces.

How to capture Spring Boot metrics with the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation Agent

In a previous blog post, Adam Quan presented a great introduction to setting up observability for a Spring Boot application. For metrics, Adam used the Prometheus Java Client library and showed how to link metrics and traces using exemplars. However, the Prometheus Java Client library is not the only way to get metrics out of a Spring Boot app. One alternative is to use the OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation agent for exposing Spring’s metrics directly in OpenTelemetry format.

Design choices in ingesting 1 million events/s using Opentelemetry and SigNoz

In this video, Pranay will walk through different design considerations which should be taken into account in ingesting huge amount of data using Opentelemetry into SigNoz. He also presents some performance benchmarks we were able to achieve in ingesting around 1mn events/s This talk was originally presented at Kubernetes Community Days Bangalore 2022

Elastic Observability 8.2: Tail-based sampling, plus more serverless visibility for AWS

As more organizations adopt cloud-native technologies and microservices-based architectures, application troubleshooting is becoming increasingly complex. With so many moving parts in an environment that is both dynamic and distributed, it is difficult to get the full picture. Yet complete visibility is crucial in order to find and fix issues quickly — especially ones that impact the bottom line.

How to Monitor Riak Metrics with OpenTelemetry

observIQ’s OpenTelemetry members contributed Riak metric monitoring support to OpenTelemetry! You can now monitor your Riak agent performance with OpenTelemetry, and deploy simply with the oIQ OpenTelemetry Collector. You can add the Riak metric receiver to any OpenTelemetry collector. This post demonstrates a configuration for shipping metrics to Google Cloud Operations with OpenTelemetry components.

New in Grafana Tempo 1.4: Introducing the metrics generator

Grafana Tempo 1.4 has been released and features a new optional component: metrics generator, which automatically generates RED metrics and service graphs from your traces. We’re actively rolling out the metrics-generator service to our own Grafana Cloud offering and are looking for Grafana Cloud Traces customers wanting early access. If interested, you can email our support team for more details.