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November 2023

Looking to Hire a Marketing Agency for Your MSP? Here are 5 Steps to Make Sure You Get it Right

I spend a lot of time talking about marketing with MSPs. While I enjoy hearing their tales of what works for them, it’s also important to understand what doesn’t or hasn’t worked. The most frequent complaint I hear is from partners working with marketing or lead generation agencies that feel they’re paying out a lot and seeing very little reward. So I thought I’d put together my top five tips for helping ensure a successful marketing agency engagement.

AVD Monitoring for MSPs (Managed Service Providers)

AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) has grown in popularity and for many reasons many organizations are choosing to consume AVD via a specialist Managed Service Provider (MSP). For the MSPs offering AVD, monitoring and troubleshooting AVD especially for multi-tenant environments is challenging and involves significant, costly and skilled effort using native tools such as Azure Insights or Azure Monitor.

How to Create a Network Assessment Report with This Template

As an MSP, your role is to ensure your client’s network operates without a hitch. Checking the health of their network and sharing your findings in a network assessment report helps you identify potential vulnerabilities so you can fix them sooner rather than later. Creating these reports is a critical part of an MSP’s role, but it’s also a tedious one. That’s why we’ve created a network assessment report template.

How to Evaluate Your Current Network Management Solution

Is your network management solution still up to the task? With remote work, cloud adoption, IoT, and more pushing networks to evolve rapidly, reliance on an outdated system risks performance issues, security gaps, insufficient visibility, and increased downtime. But when is it time to upgrade or replace your existing platform?

The Power of In-Person Engagement for MSPs

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of running your MSP business. Between servicing clients, tackling technical issues, and pursuing new opportunities, your schedules can fill up quickly. But while supporting your customers is essential, it’s also important to step back and give yourself time to work “on” and not “in” your business.

MSP Marketing Guide-Top 5 Steps to Create Quality Content

In our previous blog, Unlocking the Power of SEO: A Guide for MSPs we delved into the critical aspect of defining your keywords as a Managed Service Provider (MSP). Once you have a clear understanding of the keywords you want to target, the next step is to create the content that aligns with your keyword goals.

Master Your SaaS Discovery Process Using Auvik

SaaS discovery is really easy if you’re an end user. You can probably find a product that meets your needs with a Google search and a credit card. However, SaaS discovery from an IT management and governance perspective is a whole different beast. In the past, there haven’t been a lot of easy ways to detect application usage in the browser or restrict user activity without creating hyper-restrictive internet usage policies. Enter SaaS discovery platforms.

Unveiling the Top IT Priorities Shaping 2024

As the landscape of tech continues to evolve every year, 2024 is poised to be no exception, with massive changes expected in the world of automation, a continued focus on remote work, increasing cybersecurity threats, and more. A substantial portion of the workforce now operates remotely, necessitating new strategies for protecting company data against cyberattacks and managing equipment for employees who may be located far from office hubs.

Managing Apple Devices in N-central is Now Better Than Ever

It’s not uncommon to find with remote monitoring and management solutions that the functionality they offer around Apple device management lies a very distant second to that offered for Windows devices. N-central has long been a leading RMM solution, and it too has had its deficiencies when it comes to Apple device management.

8 Steps for Implementing a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Cloud computing has revolutionized the technology landscape, increasing deployment velocity exponentially. Organizations leverage cloud technologies to improve availability, drive innovation, enhance agility, and streamline operations. However, a one-size-fits-all approach to cloud technologies doesn't always meet the diverse needs of modern enterprises.

What Is API Management? Overview & Best Practices

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are rules and protocols that allow one software application to interact with another, and can be found everywhere in today's digital ecosystem. From the weather app on your smartphone pulling data from a remote server to provide real-time weather information, to the payment gateway service that processes your online purchases, APIs facilitate the seamless flow of data and services.

How Much Does Remote Access Software Cost?

Remote access software has risen to prominence as a vital tool, enabling organizations to bridge geographical distances and empower remote workforces. However, as businesses embrace the convenience and flexibility that remote access solutions offer, they are also confronted with an essential consideration: understanding the true cost of remote access software. In this article, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the financial dimensions surrounding remote access solutions.

What is GDPR Compliance? How to Stay Compliant

Because data privacy has become a paramount concern, the General Data Protection Regulation, more commonly known as GDPR, was introduced as a pivotal milestone in safeguarding personal information. As businesses worldwide grapple with the profound implications of this regulation, understanding GDPR compliance has never been more critical.

What Is Group Policy in Active Directory?

Few tools are as crucial and multifaceted as Group Policy within the context of Active Directory (AD) — though it often goes underutilized. For system administrators and network managers, mastering Group Policy is a powerful tool that should never be overlooked. This article will take you through the landscape of Group Policy, offering a comprehensive and all-inclusive breakdown of its principles, capabilities, and applications within the robust framework of Active Directory.

Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: How to Address and Mitigate Them

No internet-connected code is truly secure. Today’s development process is deeply iterative, and this ever-shifting landscape of code can sometimes expose critical vulnerabilities. When these flaws are discovered by attackers first, zero-day exploits threaten not just your own integrity – but that of business partners and team members across the organization.

What BCDEdit Does and How To Use It

Every interaction with a Windows operating system begins with a successful boot process, paving the way for a stable user environment. Central to this process is the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store, which houses the essential boot information that guides the system during the boot process. Managing this crucial data is the command-line utility BCDEdit, or “Boot Configuration Data Editor”.

Streamlining IT Management: NinjaOne's Partnership with Patra Corporation

In the dynamic world of modern business, the growth of organizations often brings forth both opportunities and challenges. For Patra Corporation, a pioneering provider of technology-enabled insurance outsourcing solutions, rapid expansion translated into the need for a more streamlined and scalable IT management approach.

What Is a Load Balancer?

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, constant connection is vital for consumers, partners, and employees alike. Cloud-based architecture not only provides an elixir against downtime but is helping organizations unlock further streams of revenue. Today, the workload requirements of AI, application development and global service delivery have each individually been drivers for nearly 40% of multi-cloud adoption.

What Is a Vulnerability Assessment & Why Is It Important?

While cloud computing has ushered in a new era of connectivity and convenience, it has also exposed organizations to a myriad of vulnerabilities. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and security incidents have become all too common, leaving no room for complacency. The need for proactive cybersecurity measures has never been greater. It's in this context that vulnerability assessments play a vital role in safeguarding organizations against malicious threat actors.

Unveiling Endpoint Central MSP Cloud: Your complete SaaS client endpoint management solution

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Endpoint Central MSP Cloud, a game-changing solution for MSPs like you. In today’s tech-driven world, managing and securing client endpoints is a critical aspect of the SLAs between MSPs and their clients. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the cloud version of Endpoint Central MSP. With the cloud version of Endpoint Central MSP, you’ll experience a new level of endpoint management efficiency.

Unlocking the Power of SEO: A Guide for MSPs

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful but often underutilized marketing technique for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). In this blog post, we will explore the significance of SEO for MSPs and how using an online marketing tool like SEMrush can help you conduct in-depth keyword research to optimize your websites for driving more business. This blog is NOT endorsed by SEMrush, it is just the preferred online marketing tool of the presenter.

Unified Endpoint Management Strategy Complete Guide

Unified endpoint management is a growing market, and IDC predicts it will grow from $3.4 billion in 2019 up to $4.9 billion in 2024. This market growth is due to a variety of factors such as the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Choose Your Own Device (CYOD), and Internet of Things (IoT) trends. Data security is also a growing concern and the number of devices continues to increase each year, plus there is a high volume of data sharing across these organizational devices.

Understanding Cybersecurity Insurance Requirements and How Network Visibility Can Help

From supply chain cyber attacks to ransomware, there is plenty of risk facing modern digital businesses. Cyber insurance can help mitigate that risk, but the complexity of cybersecurity insurance requirements can often create a catch-22 for businesses.

Configuring Your DNS Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of the internet. Proper DNS configuration is essential for seamless internet connectivity and plays a central role in enhancing website performance. In this guide, we will explore DNS configuration and its importance and provide step-by-step instructions for configuring DNS servers on various platforms, as well as client settings.

Embracing Co-Managed IT: Part One-Strategic Benefits

In the ever-evolving world of IT services, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are constantly searching for ways to stay ahead of the curve, remain competitive, and deliver unmatched value to their clients. In this rapidly changing landscape, the co-managed IT services model has emerged as a powerful solution. It not only aligns seamlessly with the dynamic needs of businesses, but also transforms MSPs from service providers into strategic partners.