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Scanning the Edge: Expand Your Visibility to New Heights

Data is born at the edge, and the traditional approach is to collect it, then ingest it into one or more systems of analysis — or at least as much as you can afford to. And now the deep dive analysis begins. This might be the perfect solution for some datasets, but what about all the other data being collected on the edge? All the logs, metrics, and state information you seldom (if ever) retrieve?

Conquering Data Lakes and Searching Google Cloud Storage Buckets With Cribl Search

What might you accomplish if you could easily search your data lakes without paying to move the data first? The most likely outcome is that you address a critical security incident quicker than ever, save your organization millions of dollars, get a promotion, and then go down in history as the best-looking, most talented analyst to have searched a storage bucket.

Effortlessly Search Data From Amazon S3 Buckets With Cribl Search

On a scale from walk-in-the-park → scaling Mount Everest, how easy is it for you to search your S3 buckets? Retrieving data to respond to security incidents, demonstrate compliance, or extract insights shouldn’t require jumping through hoops or overpaying for access.Cribl Search has native support for platforms like Amazon Security Lake, Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud Storage, enabling seamless data analysis right at its source.

Evidence-Based Threat Detection With Corelight and Cribl

Organizations today face a growing list of obstacles as they try to improve their detection, coverage, and accuracy. For one, data proliferation is happening at an astronomical rate. When was the last time your network bandwidth went down? What about your license costs for data storage or your SIEM? Difficulties arise from overlapping and poorly integrated tools that generate disparate data streams and several operational efficiencies.

Microsoft Defender Endpoint Logs and Cribl Stream - Quick Start Guide

Microsoft Defender offers everyone comprehensive threat prevention, detection, and response capabilities—from individuals looking to protect their families to the world’s largest enterprises. Microsoft Defender allows IT and Security teams to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks across devices, identities, apps, email, data, workloads, and clouds. Have you ever wondered if you can use Cribl Stream to help manage your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint logs? The answer is Yes (plus benefits)!

How to Collect IoT Data Through Cribl Stream and Cribl Search

Cribl’s suite of products excel at collecting and organizing your IT and security event data. Did you know it can also help with IoT data collection and analysis? If you can get the text of the data into Cribl, in most cases, we can process it, transform it, and send it to where you want it to go. A few years ago, I bought a weather station. I immediately hooked up some home automation gear to show me the temperature, humidity, and air quality. But the geek in me wants more.

Is Waiting for the Thaw Unbear-able?

It’s not new news that organizations are producing more data than ever. But, in order to take advantage of this data, it needs to be collected, stored, retained, and then, at some point, analyzed. Most analysis tools also act as the retention point for this data. While this may (at first) appear to be the best option for performance, it quickly creates significant problems. First, those systems were never designed for the scale of today’s growing volume of data, currently at a 28% CAGR.

Cribl Search and Common Schema: Faster, More Accurate Detections

Are you drowning in data from disparate sources? Are you struggling to analyze it efficiently, sift through different formats, and catch crucial signals? You’re not alone. Cribl Search and Cribl Stream is a powerful combo that lets you unlock insights from vast data volumes – regardless of their source or format. Say goodbye to siloed searches and hello to holistic analysis.

Data Here, Data There, Data Everywhere: the Benefits of Routing Data With Cribl

As an organization, you likely have many choices on where to store, analyze, and correlate your data. Those choices may change or iterate over time, so having an easy way to route data is needed. Enter Cribl Stream, which can route your data where it needs to go and save some effort, time, and money. It can help with organizational-wide initiatives like migrations and consolidations but can also help with smaller-scale initiatives and your day-to-day tasks of simply getting data in.

How Cribl Stream Can Enhance Digital Operational Resilience Under DORA within Financial Services

In the swiftly changing digital realm of the finance and insurance sectors, sustaining operational resilience while complying with rigorous regulatory mandates is paramount. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) marks a significant regulatory milestone designed to ensure entities within the financial services sector are equipped to withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related disruptions and threats.