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Continuous Optimization in AWS CodePipeline using CloudFormation

For those of you who aren’t familiar with AWS CodePipeline, it’s a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) framework that enables application development teams to deliver code updates more frequently and reliably. You may have also heard it being called a CI/CD or DevOps pipeline. These pipelines have always traditionally been used to deploy the components of a certain application whenever new code in “checked-in”.

Cloud Cost Optimization & DevOps

See how leading enterprises are achieving continuous, DevOps-driven cloud and container cost. Our DevOps experts detail methods for embedding cloud cost optimization into DevOps pipelines, demo an extensible, best practice DevOps pipeline supporting continuous cloud FinOps, and showcase case studies of advanced enterprises successfully augmenting their DevOps to embrace systemic optimization.

How to Maximize Cost Savings with AWS Savings Plans

To allocate costs or maximize savings? That’s the question many AWS customers will have to answer when formulating their FinOps strategy relating to Savings Plans. If part of your daily routine is finding ways to cut cloud costs, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Appropriate chargeback reporting is an undeniable necessity for any business, but in this world of uncontrolled rising cloud costs, so is capitalizing on any savings opportunities!

Cloud Cost Management with HashiCorp Terraform & Densify

Watch and learn how automated infrastructure management withink HashiCorp Terraform and machine-learning-based cost optimization analytics can be combined as part of DevOps and provisioning processes to continuously make FinOps a part of everyday cloud infrastructure management.

How to Manage AWS Cost Outliers

A few years ago, we realized that spending in our AWS product test environment had jumped significantly from one month to the next. We drilled down into the issue and traced it to some RDS database instances that had been spun up to test new product features. No one realized that these expensive instances were left running after the tests were complete, and subsequently racking up charges for several months.

OpenShift Optimization with Jenkins CI/CD

Learn how Raiffeisen Bank International uses Densify container optimization analytics in their Jenkins CI/CD pipeline to precisely resource their Red Hat OpenShift containers. Since embedding Densify into their CI/CD workflow, Raiffeisen has reduced resource demands, cut the frequency at which container resources need to be expanded by nearly 50%, and reduced the risk of instability caused by memory shortages.