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Apache Error Log Explained in Detail

Apache has been around since 1995 and is the most important web technology. The majority of businesses nowadays run-on Apache servers. Different servers operate in different ways and have different features and functions. For simple debugging, several servers keep server logs. Understanding how the server works is essential. All errors encountered by the server while receiving or processing requests are recorded in the Apache error logs.

Log Observability and Analytics Guide

Monitoring and analyzing log files to identify and resolve issues make up log observability. Log analytics is the process of extracting insights from log data. Logs are a valuable source of information for IT operations teams, as they provide insight into what is happening on a system or network. Logs can monitor system performance, troubleshoot problems, and identify security incidents. Logs are a vital part of application performance management.

IP Blacklisting: Your Beginner's Guide

IP Blacklists contain ranges of or individual IP addresses ‌you want to block. A blacklist can be used in combination with firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and other traffic filtering tools. With the recent developments in cyber security, organizations are increasingly relying on IP blacklisting to protect their networks.

Node.js Performance Testing and Tuning: Step by Step Approach

Node.js is well-known for its lightning-fast performance. However, as with any programming language, you might develop Node.js code that performs poorly for your users. Appropriate performance testing is required to combat this. Node.js can be used for a variety of tasks, including scripting to do tasks, running a web server, and serving static files, such as a website. Today, we'll go over the procedures to test a Node.js HTTP web API.

A Layman's Guide To HTTP/2

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is the backbone of the World Wide Web. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP protocol, which offers a performance improvement over its prototype. The new protocol has been in development for a long time, with the first draft published in 2012 and it was finalized in 2015. In recent times, HTTP is the obligation that boards almost all of the networks.

Round-Trip Time (RTT) - An Overview

A notable tool that renders the fortune of a web is Round Trip Time, which is also known as Round Delay Time. The time taken for a network request for a data packet and the flourishing of that data is the round trip time. The duration of RTT is calculated in milliseconds. RTT can be diagnosed and prompted by pinging a specific address. The time takes for an internet request to hit a destination and to lapse back to the primary resource.

Top 7 Real User Monitoring (RUM) Tools and Software for Better User Experience

As a software-based company, the most critical thing you can do is maintain control over your users' digital experiences and satisfaction levels. However, without a monitoring plan and technologies that allow you to see how customers interact with your application or website from their perspective is impossible. They provide you with the information you need to determine how well your webapp or website is operating and to avoid slow pages or screens that drive customers to your competitors.

Serverless: The Future of the Internet

Serverless is a technique for executing operations and running cloud compute services on an as-needed basis. Serverless computing is the latest trend in the cloud computing world. It has made it much easier to develop, deploy, and scale applications. Serverless computing means that developers don't need to worry about anything other than their code. They don't need to provision a server or install software to run their code.

Node.js Performance Monitoring

Many software developers utilize Node.js to create high-performance backend web applications. It has numerous advantages, including ease of application deployment, asynchronous request handling, great performance, and more. Integrating a solid monitoring solution into your Node.js application is critical since it gives you visibility into what's going on in your application at any given time or over a specific time.