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How to Monitor Prometheus Metrics with OpenTelemetry Collector?

OpenTelemetry provides a component called OpenTelemetry Collector, which can be used to collect data from multiple sources. Prometheus is a popular metrics monitoring tool that has a wide adoption. If you’re using Prometheus SDKs to generate metrics, you can collect them via OpenTelemetry collector and send them to a backend of your choice.

OpenTelemetry Java Tutorial | Auto-Instrument Java App with OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry stands at the forefront of modern observability practices, revolutionizing how developers gain insights into their applications' performance and behavior. As a powerful distributed tracing framework, it empowers engineers to effortlessly instrument their applications, providing comprehensive visibility into the intricacies of microservices architectures. This tutorial discusses how OpenTelemetry can be used to get insights from a Java application.

OpenTelemetry Operator Complete Guide [OTel Collector + Auto-Instrumentation Demo]

Manually deploying and managing OpenTelemetry components in a Kubernetes environment can be a complex and time-consuming task. It involves creating various Kubernetes resources, setting up configurations, and ensuring the components are properly integrated with the applications.

Crossed 15K+ GitHub Stars, Simplified Logs Parsing with Pipelines & Trending on Hacker News - SigNal 30

Welcome to the 30th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 30! Last month, our Github repo crossed 15k+ Github stars, which is a great milestone for our open-source project and for our team. We also shipped the much-awaited logs pipeline that will make logs parsing a much better experience for our users. We also shipped other improvements to the product, hosted OpenTelemetry meetups and webinars, and much more.

Datadog Pricing - Beware These Surprises in 2023

Datadog has a huge product footprint with a sophisticated user experience, but any discussion of its usefulness must include a consideration of its significant costs. Datadog pricing is complex and has a lot of SKUs that a customer needs to understand. If you're not careful, you might end up blowing your Datadog bill. It’s likely that your business isn’t at the scale that it will generate a $65 million bill, but it is possible to generate bills that rival your operations bills.

SigNoz + Tracetest: OpenTelemetry-Native Observability Meets Testing

What is the hidden potential of OpenTelemetry? It goes a lot further than the (awesome) application of tracing and monitoring your software. The OpenTelemetry project is an attempt to standardize how performance is reported and how trace data is passed around your microservice architecture. This context propagation is a superpower for those who adopt OpenTelemetry tracing.

OpenTelemetry Logs - A Complete Introduction & Implementation

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) incubating project aimed at standardizing the way we instrument applications for generating telemetry data(logs, metrics, and traces). OpenTelemetry aims to provide a vendor-agnostic observability framework that provides a set of tools, APIs, and SDKs to instrument applications.

Jaeger vs Prometheus - Side by Side Comparison [Updated for 2023]

Both Jaeger and Prometheus are popular open-source application performance monitoring tools. While Jaeger is an end-to-end distributed tracing tool, Prometheus is used as a time-series database for monitoring metrics. Let's dive in to explore their key features and differences. Application performance monitoring is the key to keep your system's health in check. In today's digital economy, no business can afford to have failed or delayed completion of user requests.