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Ruby on Rails Application Monitoring with AppSignal

When running and maintaining an application in a production environment, we want to feel confident about the behavior of the application and know when it isn’t working as expected. At the least, we want to track errors, monitor performance, and collect specific metrics throughout the application.

Simpler Navigation in AppSignal: A Story About Refactoring Design

AppSignal users will immediately notice that we’ve updated our product navigation. The new navigation is simpler, cleaner, and improves usability for (power) users. Let’s dive into these changes, along with some background on our philosophy of designing for developers.

Add More Metadata to Your Front-end JavaScript Errors in AppSignal

Our front-end JavaScript library has been updated with an easier way to add more metadata to front-end errors using the sendError and wrap helpers. Previously, sendError and wrap helpers only supported customizing tags and the namespace for the error. More information could be set on error spans if they were manually created, but now that type of information can be added to errors sent using these helpers.

Improved Error Tracking for Node.js in AppSignal

Good news for Node.js developers using AppSignal: a new version of our Node.js library is available on npm with improved error tracking. We’ve added two new helpers to make your life easier as a Node.js developer. One helper allows you to track errors whenever you need to, no matter how many nested spans you have in your current context. The other lets you send an isolated error with no spans or context involved (for more information about spans, check out our docs).

How to Debug Cloudflare Workers with AppSignal

In this article, you’ll learn how to capture error logs in your Cloudflare Workers application using AppSignal. We’ll build a simple workers project and integrate AppSignal’s code to collect the necessary metrics. We’ll also learn how to utilize AppSignal’s dashboard to analyze and track errors. Let’s get stuck in!

Best Practices for Logging in Node.js

Good logging practices are crucial for monitoring and troubleshooting your Node.js servers. They help you track errors in the application, discover performance optimization opportunities, and carry out different kinds of analysis on the system (such as in the case of outages or security issues) to make critical product decisions. Even though logging is an essential aspect of building robust web applications, it’s often ignored or glossed over in discussions about development best practices.

AppSignal Error Tracking 2.0

Today, we’re launching a major upgrade that will improve the way yourteam manages application errors, with more error states, error assignments,severity labels and a “my incidents” overview. Your team’s communication around incidents will improve significantly.You’ll know exactly how severe an error is, who’s responsible, and howyou handled this error historically.