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User-scoped API Keys

Checkly has released a change to the way API keys are created and managed. In the past, API keys were account-scoped. These account-scoped keys have full access rights to your Checkly account and no accountability to which user is using the key. When we originally built Checkly, we made it a tool to enable individual developers to quickly and easily set up browser and API checks. We help ensure your web applications are up and running and send alerts when something goes wrong.

Launching Performance and Error Tracing & new Vercel integration.

Today, I'm super excited to announce our new Performance and Error tracing features for all Playwright-based browser checks. One of our key initiatives is supporting you with deeper insights into what is causing issues in the web apps you monitor with Checkly. With this new set of features we give you actionable data for easy debugging; Collected automatically with no extra code needed. Of course, fixing bugs in Production is great, but catching bugs before they go live is even better!

Checkly raises $10M for Developer Owned Operations

Today, we are super happy to announce the next chapter for Checkly with a $10M Series A round led by CRV, joined by existing investors Accel, Mango Capital and Guillermo Rauch. This investment allows us to double down on our prime goal: building the best monitoring and E2E-testing platform for developers. What does that mean?

How we added custom languages, code completion and highlighting to the Monaco editor

We've recently launched a brand new in-browser editor for our browser check creation experience! Browser checks are Javascript-powered Playwright/Puppeteer scripts that run on deploy or on a schedule for testing and monitoring websites and web apps. While this new experience centers around an upgraded text editor, it is much more than just that.The new browser check creation experience builds on the popular Monaco editor from Microsoft, which also powers VS Code under the hood.

High-frequency checks are now live!

We just released a big change on how often you can schedule your API and Browser checks. Together with our launching customer RMS — a leading property management solution — we looked at how we can catch hiccups and errors of mission-critical apps as early as possible and get better insights on uptime across the board.

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

Our recent speed comparison of major headless browser automation tools, namely Puppeteer, Playwright and WebDriverIO with DevTools and Selenium, received a very positive response. The single most common ask from our readers was that we follow up by including Cypress in our benchmark. In this article, we are doing just that - with some precautions.

It's code! Synthetic monitoring with Terraform Cloud & Checkly

How does one manage monitoring in the age of digital infrastructure as code? Also as code, of course! Combining HashiCorp Terraform Cloud and Checkly enables you to configure synthetic and API monitoring as part of your existing infrastructure codebase. It is flexible, programmable and will keep you out of maintenance hell, even at scale: it is monitoring for developers. Extending your existing Terraform Cloud configuration takes only two minutes. Let's take a look together.

Puppeteer vs Selenium vs Playwright, a speed comparison

When we decided to build Checkly's browser checks, we chose to do so with Puppeteer, an open-source headless browser automation tool, later adding Playwright, too. We wanted to support users with synthetic monitoring and testing to let them know whether their websites worked as expected at any given moment. Speed was a primary concern in our case. Yet, determining which automation tool is generally faster is far from simple.