Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

October 2020

How to collect Prometheus metrics and store them anywhere (with Sensu!)

As my co-founder Caleb Hailey likes to say, collecting monitoring and observability data is essentially a solved problem. The only remaining challenges are related to getting that data where you want it to go. When dealing with different formats — say, collecting Prometheus metrics and storing them in Elasticsearch — this can be a non-trivial problem. Put simply, it’s like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

LDAP authentication with Sensu Go: troubleshooting & tips

SSO is often accomplished by using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). While LDAP has a variety of use cases, in this post, I’ll focus on authentication — specifically, how to use LDAP authentication for single-sign on (SSO) with Sensu Go. First off, a quick overview of Sensu authentication.

Know your access control: RBAC vs. ABAC

Working together successfully as a team — especially in this increasingly remote world — is all about collaboration. As part of that collaboration, it’s critical that team members have access to the files and programs they need to accomplish their jobs, and that access should be easily revocable for when employees change roles or leave the company. This is achieved through access control, which, simply put, defines who is allowed to access what.

Webinar: Achieve comprehensive observability with Sensu and Elasticsearch

The Elasticsearch data platform is ideal for analyzing monitoring and observability data. But if your multi-cloud journey has led you to multiple monitoring and observability tools, you may face challenges getting all that data into Elasticsearch. In this webinar, Sensu Developer Advocate Todd Campbell shows you how to get the most out of your Elasticsearch investment — and achieve deeper visibility — with the Sensu observability pipeline.