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October 2021

"Open source done right": Why Canonical adopted Grafana, Loki, and Grafana Agent for their new stack

Michele Mancioppi is a product manager at Canonical with responsibility for observability and Java. He is the architect of the new system of Charmed Operators for observability known as LMA2. Jon Seager is an engineering director at Canonical with responsibility for Juju, the Charmed Operator Framework, and a number of Charmed Operator development teams which operate across different software flavors including observability, data platform, MLOps, identity, and more.

How Changelog monitors and optimizes website performance with Grafana Cloud

Developers around the world get their news from Changelog, an indie media company on a mission to create inspiring content for software developers. Through their popular podcasts, including The Changelog, Go Time, JS Party, and Ship It!, the team at Changelog helps listeners stay up-to-date on the latest happenings, trends, and tools in a constantly evolving industry.

What's new in Grafana Cloud for October 2021: Machine Learning, Grafana 8.2, new integrations, and more

Here at Grafana Labs, we’re constantly shipping new features to help our users get the most out of Grafana Cloud. To help our new and existing customers learn about the latest and greatest, here’s a roundup of all the new features and improvements you should know about to make the most of Grafana Cloud.

A look inside how the Prometheus Conformance Program works and why it's important

Prometheus is the industry standard in cloud native metric monitoring with hundreds of thousands of installations, millions of users, and billions in market value. Speaking as a member of the Prometheus team, we have seen the project become a victim of its own success. While most people may be using Prometheus, not everybody is following the same operating standards.

How to monitor a Ceph cluster using Grafana Cloud

Here at Grafana Labs, when we’re building integrations for Grafana Cloud, we’re often thinking about how to help users get started on their observability journeys. We like to focus some of our attention on the different technologies you might come across along the way. That way, we can share our tips on the best ways to interact with them while you’re using Grafana products.

Grafana EMEA meetup recap: accessibility, k6 testing, and multi-DC observability stacks

On Oct. 5, we hosted the first Grafana Virtual Meetup for an EMEA-based audience. Each Grafana meetup features “bite-sized” presentations from our user community and members of the Grafana Labs team. We want to provide opportunities (even virtually!) for members of our community to connect with one another and share what they’re working on or have learned.

Introducing Grafana Machine Learning for Grafana Cloud, with metrics forecasting

At GrafanaCONline in June, we talked about the future of machine learning at Grafana Labs. Four months later, we are excited to introduce Grafana Machine Learning for Grafana Cloud, with our metrics forecasting capability. It’s available now to all customers on Pro or Advanced plans. If you’re not already using Grafana Cloud, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial of Grafana Cloud Pro here.

How we're building a production readiness review process at Grafana Labs

Production readiness review (PRR) is a process that originated at Google, described as the first step of site reliability engineering engagement in the company’s famous SRE book. The idea of thoroughly reviewing a product before handing over the pager is a really good one, but except for Google-scale companies, there aren’t that many organizations that can afford dedicated SRE teams.

New in Grafana 8.2: Test contact points for alerts before they fire

Grafana 8.2 was released last week, and we’re excited to announce one of its new features: contact point testing. Now users of Grafana 8 alerting can test their contact points right from the contact points page. This feature makes it easier to configure Grafana 8 alerting and gives you the confidence in knowing that your contact points are working as expected before they fire. Here are the basics.

Testing with k6 + Grafana: Better together by Nicole van der Hoeven

k6 is one of the newest additions to the Grafana Labs family, but what exactly is it, and what does it have to do with Grafana? In this session, Nicole van der Hoeven will demonstrate how to use k6, how to integrate it with Grafana, and why k6 and Grafana are better together. Nicole van der Hoeven is a Developer Advocate at k6, living in the Netherlands.

Tales of A11y In Grafana OS: Introducing Pa11y CI into our pipeline by Alexa Vargas

We want to make Grafana accessible to everyone! In this talk, Alexa will share how Grafana recently introduced Pa11y CI into the Grafana Continuous Integration pipeline. The library supports our developers and contributors to highlight a11y issues. And more importantly, it acts as a gatekeeper, stopping new A11y issues from making it into the project. You will additionally hear about the alternatives that were considered and their challenges. This talk will have everything!

Using Thanos to gain a unified way to query over multiple clusters by Wiard van Rij

When using Thanos on top of Prometheus we can leverage this for a unified way in a single data source to query all our data across multiple clusters, servers and Prometheis. Wiard van Rij is an Engineer at Fullstaq helping people, teams, and organizations with various cloud-native challenges with a strong focus on Kubernetes and Observability. Wiard is a Thanos team member, open source enthusiast and has extra fun with security and hacking.

Making data accessible with sound, a Grafana Labs Hackathon project by Kostas Pelelis

We learned from a visually impaired astronomer that it was possible to use sonification to understand astronomical spectra. So during a hackathon at Grafana Labs we decided to turn time series into audio, and add sound to our alerting systems too. Kostas Pelelis is a Software Engineer at Grafana Labs living in Greece.

Bootstrapping a multi DC cloud native observability stack by Bram Vogelaar

An introduction to Observability and how to setup a highly available monitoring platform, across multiple data centers. During this talk we investigate how to config a monitoring setup across 2 DCs using Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, Alertmanager and Grafana. Bram Vogelaar spent the first part of his career as a Molecular Biologist, he then moved on to supporting his peers by building tools and platforms for them with a lot of Open Source technologies. He now works as a DevOps Cloud Engineer at The Factory.

Grafana 8.2 released: Dynamic plugin catalog, new fine-grained access control permissions, and more

Grafana 8.2 is here! This release marks the start of our work focused on measurable improvements to Grafana’s accessibility — part of our continuing mission to democratize metrics for everyone. The initial changes to Grafana in 8.2 are focused on navigation, with more to come. We’ll be sharing more about our accessibility roadmap in an upcoming blog post.