Smart Agent for Cisco AppDynamics is here!

Smart Agent for Cisco AppDynamics is here!

Unlock business and performance insights...
See how Smart Agent dramatically simplifies application instrumentation through intelligent agent automation and lifecycle management — saving you time, accessing new capabilities and gaining business context.

Simplify your agent management in a few clicks...
Save time and effort installing and managing agents at scale with a centralized agent management console. AppDynamics provides a complete agent inventory, managed by Smart Agent, to quickly flag and upgrade out-of-date agents to support better version compliance and reporting.

Quickly access new capabilities faster with push-button upgrades...
Manage security risks and gain access to new capabilities with simple automated agent upgrades. When you need to react quickly to events and get access to the latest security, application and business features, Smart Agent automates the process of upgrading agents in bulk with speed and agility.

Automatically gain business context in minutes...
Smart Agent will soon dramatically simplify the onboarding and instrumentation process for new applications with process auto-discovery and agent auto-deployment with just a single Smart Agent installation per host – so that you can start collecting business data and visualize application topography in minutes instead of hours.

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