Kubernetes Master Class - Service Mesh and API Gateway

Kubernetes Master Class - Service Mesh and API Gateway

Oct 23, 2020

API Gateways and Service Meshes have always had a contentious relationship. The vernacular around either is muddled and imprecise. While it may not be immediately apparent as feature sets ebb and flow, there are many configurations where having both is beneficial and proper.

In this masterclass that relationship will be defined in relation to a standard service mesh (istio) and three separate open source gateways (Ambassador, Gloo, Kong). Having an understanding of the major solutions in this space and how they've been evolving will help produce a micro service architecture that follows the market and avoids adding technical debt.

What We'll Cover:

  • Features that come standard with API Gateways and Service Meshes in 2020
  • Setting up Gloo with Istio and Rancher
  • Setting up Ambassador with Istio and Rancher
  • Setting up Kong with Istio and Rancher

CORRECTION: Kong API Gateway interfaces with Envoy in this demonstration, but is not built on top of Envoy. Kong uses Nginx to perform traffic routing.