Kubernetes vs Docker. What you need to know

Kubernetes vs Docker. What you need to know

There are some discussions about what is better to choose Kubernetes or Docker, and it may be really challenging to get one specific reply. These are fundamentally different technologies and it is better to have an understating of their functioning and benefits prior to choosing something. The thing that doesn’t need any additional explanation is that VPS is definitely important despite the technology you select. A virtual private server is used to get additional layers of isolation from other clients.

What do you need to know about Docker?

Docker is an open-source tool for containerization where users can share, deploy, and manage the apps. The main component of this tool is Docker Engine which functions on the host OS. Also, there are used YAML config files which are responsible for the building container and what is running within it.

The containers interact with each other over specific channels, and every container has unique config files, libraries, and apps. They can have any app and function on any server. Due to this, the portability and flexibility are highly improved, so it can function in different settings.

How does the process look with Kubernetes?

Right now, software is tightly connected with microservices, so-called components that are functioning independently and are simple for updating and deployment. Containers are helpful for hosting these microservices. The tendency of all the new apps is towards the complexity of the processes and it is really hard to manage everything manually. So, here are container orchestration options that can help.

Kubernetes is one of these open-source frameworks for container orchestration. This framework automates the processes. To build Kubernetes resources, first, you should specify all the requirements in the YALM config file. Then the best host that has all the requirements is located. After that, the cluster deployment is automatically scheduled.

The main components of the container orchestration are the following:

  • Node. The machine that receives deployed containers.
  • Cluster. This is the term for a couple of connected nodes.
  • Kubelet. A certain agent that functions on each node.
  • Control Plane. A group of processes.
  • Pod. It is the smallest object that can be created.

Kubernetes is a perfect choice for companies that manage/deploy a huge number of containers.

Kubernetes versus Docker

Kubernetes and Docker have various cases of usage. Kubernetes scales and deploys apps across a group of nodes and manages containers. As for Docker, it functions with one node and ships and packages applications.

Despite the obvious differences between them, there is one major aim that unites them. It is the delivery of scalable containerized apps. To be honest, it is hard to compare them as they are not competitors.

Kubernetes and Docker

When uniting Docker and Kubernetes for one purpose, they can function as a perfect solution. At the end of the day, applications will get resiliency, agility, and scalability.

When uniting these 2 technologies, Kubernetes can help with making Docker containers resilient. It is achieved by tracking the state of every node. With the automation, it is now possible to replace, restart, and kill certain nodes without the user’s interference in the process.

Also, the usage of both these technologies offer functionality that determines how various app element will function. When speaking about scaling, Docker containers can be created quickly, and after that clusters will be scaled with the min possible intervention.

Other benefits of utilizing Docker and Kubernetes are the following:

  • Portability. Docker containers can be easily moved from one environment to another. So, containerized apps can be deployed across cloud providers, hybrid environments, and local servers.
  • Security. The needed level of security is reached with the help of image scanning, network isolation, and role-based control of access. This is crucial for dealing with malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and data leakage.
  • Simple in usage. The simplicity of the process comes together with the automation of scaling, deployment, and management of apps. In such a way, this lessens the chances of human errors, and at the same time saves lots of resources and time.
  • Minimization of costs. The atomization of the major processes with Docker and Kubernetes can drastically lessen general IT costs.
  • Innovation and agility. Due to the easiness and scalability, it is possible to reach the needed level of innovation. Also, Docker and Kubernetes make it more agile.

Summing up

There are almost no limitations on what is achievable with the integration of Kubernetes and Docker. These powerful technologies are suitable for a variety of tasks. This perfect combo is successful in machine learning, multi-cloud deployment, and microservices administration. So, no need to compare these technologies, they should be discussed as a perfect soft development environment. Kubernetes guarantees scalability, load balance, and max uptime, while Docker is more about the speed of apps and is system-agnostic.