How to Design Eye-Catching Posters for Your Next Wild Posting Campaign

How to Design Eye-Catching Posters for Your Next Wild Posting Campaign

Wild posting is a highly effective form of outdoor advertising that drives results without blowing your budget. However, it only works if the visuals are spot on.

Whether you are new to wild posting and need help designing your first poster, or you have tried this advertising method before but weren’t happy with the results, the below blog will tell you exactly what you need to do to create eye-catching posters that guarantee to get your brand noticed.

Have a specific goal in mind

When you are brainstorming ideas for your wild posters, you need to make sure that you have a specific goal in mind, as it is what do you want to achieve from the campaign. Once you know what message you want to deliver to your target audience, you can now go about creating a design that effectively delivers it.

Keep it simple

If you have ever seen wild posting campaigns before, you will have noticed that the designs are fairly simple. They tend to be mainly focused on visuals, with only a few words to direct people on what to do next. However, simplicity does not mean that you can’t make an impact. It means that your designs should be clear and easy to understand.

Create a visual hierarchy

Although simple, your chosen artwork needs to also be striking, or it will be easily forgotten. Use bold colors and clear fonts, as well as images that provide a direct contrast with your chosen background, as this will provide a visual hierarchy. You don’t have to use your brand colors, but this can be useful if you are trying to increase brand awareness and brand recognition.

Don’t be afraid to be controversial

If you want to get people talking about your brand or you want to create a buzz around a new product or service, then it can help to be a little controversial in your chosen designs. While you don’t want to offend anyone, a message that is aimed to shock can be a lot more memorable than a bland, generic one.

Call in the professionals

Carrying out a successful wild posting campaign is about so much more than just designing an eye-catching poster. You need to create a strong strategy that complements your other marketing efforts.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by hiring a professional such as wild postings from UNCLE, who will be able to talk you through the entire process and help you to design posters based on your bespoke objectives.

Be consistent with branding

You need to make sure you are consistent and coherent with both your brand identity and your campaign strategy if you want your next wild posting campaign if you want it to be a success.

To create a seamless customer experience, use the same colors, fonts, logos, and tone of voice as you do with all your other marketing efforts, such as your social media posts, your website, and any content you create.