A Beginner's Guide to Learning Coding in Singapore

A Beginner's Guide to Learning Coding in Singapore

There's no stopping the demand for learning coding in Singapore. According to the 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, of the top 20 tech-related skills in the world, eight are related to coding! 

So, let me show you where to get started with your coding journey in Singapore.

What Is Coding?

Coding is using a computer language to tell a computer what you want it to do. It’s not just for programming computers—it can be used to make games, apps, websites, and more.

Coding is an art form that takes practice and patience. There are many different programming languages, but they all share some standard features. A programming language usually consists of instructions that tell the computer how to do something. 

For example, if you wanted your program to print “Hello world!” on the screen, you would type in something like print('Hello world!').

There are different coding languages: scripting languages like Python or JavaScript; compiled languages like Java or C++; and markup languages like HTML and CSS (which aren't technically considered programming languages).

How Do I Get Into Coding in Singapore?

Learning to code can be intimidating—especially if you're new to the idea! But there's no need to feel overwhelmed by the concept of coding. Coding is just a language, and it's one that you can learn.

If you've decided that coding is your career path, the next step is to figure out how to get started in Singapore. 

The good news is that there are many ways to learn to code online, so it's always been more challenging than it is today. You can take coding classes Singapore online, and you can look for free courses on different platforms or even attend university classes.

Consider whether or not a substantial degree is necessary for your career goals or if simply learning enough skills on your own will suffice.

Why You Should Learn to Code

Learning to code is a great way to get started in your career or even just for your personal development. You should learn to code for many reasons, but we'll start with the most obvious: it's easy.

Many people think coding is hard and takes a long time to learn—but it doesn't have to be that way! A well-designed course will teach you the basics of coding quickly so that you can focus on more advanced concepts later on. Many online courses are designed specifically for beginners.

And don't worry if you're unsure where to start—plenty of free resources available online will help get you off the ground. You can also find many great tutorials on YouTube and other platforms to understand how different coding languages work.

How Do You Determine the Best Programming Language?

Determining which programming language you want to learn is the first step to learning how to code.

There are thousands of programming languages, each with specific uses and advantages. Many factors differentiate one language from another, such as the language's popularity and easy learning.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself when deciding which programming language is suitable for you:

  • What platforms do you want your code to run on? For example, if you're looking for a job in web development, then JavaScript may be a good choice since most websites use JavaScript. If you're looking for a job in game development, however, C++ might be more useful since most games are written in C++.
  • How easy does the language look? Some languages have symbols like hieroglyphics (like Python), while others have symbols that look like letters (like Ruby).
  • Do you need help from other people or an online community? If so, then Python might be better than Ruby because it has more online resources available than Ruby does.

Final Thoughts

It's not always an easy decision to make, and there are no right or wrong answers, but we hope this guide has helped you make the best choice for you. 

Of course, you can always enroll in an integrated development environment course if you need help with these languages. But don't jump into the deep end without scuba gear.

Again, some languages suit your needs better than others. If so, great! Otherwise, trying a few different ones is best before settling on one that works best for your goals.