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February 2024

Grafana Tempo 2.4 release: TraceQL metrics, tiered caching, and TCO improvements

Grafana Tempo 2.4 is here and comes with a stack of new features and enhancements to help improve performance and operational capabilities. Check out the video above, which highlights the new experimental TraceQL metrics feature that creates metrics from traces, and continue reading to get a quick overview of all the latest updates in Tempo. If you’re looking for something more in-depth, don’t hesitate to jump into the Grafana Tempo 2.4 release notes or the changelog.

New TraceQL metrics feature in Grafana Tempo 2.4

In this video, you'll see a deep dive demo into the experimental TraceQL metrics feature in Grafana Tempo 2.4. We'll show you how to use TraceQL metrics to do both root cause and impact analysis as well as other use cases, such as determining how many database queries are downstream of your application. ☁️ Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with metrics, logs, traces, dashboards, and more. We have a generous forever-free tier and plans for every use case.

Understanding How OpenTelemetry can help with PCI Compliance

The early days of e-commerce on the internet resembled a digital Wild West, characterized by unencrypted form inputs and clear-text storage of sensitive information. Fast forward to today, and the landscape of online payments has transformed dramatically, bolstered by industry-driven guide rails like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). These standards ensure that consumer details are stored appropriately and handled with the utmost care and security.

Much Ado About OpenTelemetry

There is so much good work that OpenTelemetry has done in the software industry, specifically around the domain of observability, in the last five years. Bringing users and vendors together to define the future of telemetry? Check! Unify logs, traces, and metrics under a completely vendor-neutral API? Check! Deprecate other standards by bringing their collaborators to the table to ensure their use cases are met? CHECK!

OpenTelemetry in Production: A Primer

At observIQ, we’re big believers and contributors to the OpenTelemetry project. In 2023, we saw project awareness reach an all-time high as we attended tradeshows like KubeCon and Monitorama. The project’s benefits of flexibility, performance, and vendor agnosticism have been making their rounds; we’ve seen a groundswell of customer interest.

Comparing OpenTelemetry and Jaeger | Key Features

Jaeger and OpenTelemetry are essential technologies that greatly improve the observability of software applications. OpenTelemetry is a vendor-neutral platform that makes it easier to create and collect telemetry data, including logs, traces, and metrics. Its extensive backend integration adaptabilities allow it to fit into a wide range of infrastructures. However, Jaeger is an expert in distributed tracing within microservice environments.

What is the OpenTelemetry Transform Language (OTTL)?

The OpenTelemetry Transformation Language, or OTTL for short, offers a powerful way to manipulate telemetry data within the OpenTelemetry Collector. It can be leveraged in conjunction with OpenTelemetry processors (such as filter, routing, and transform), core components of the OpenTelemetry Collector. It caters to a range of tasks from simple alterations to complex changes.

How to instrument your Python application using OpenTelemetry

If you want to see if OpenTelemetry helps you become a better Python developer — or if you just want to know how to add OpenTelemetry to your Python service — you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll show you how to instrument your Python application using OpenTelemetry and how to visualize your OpenTelemetry data using Application Observability in Grafana Cloud. We’ll walk you through the following steps.

OpenTelemetry: 3 questions to ask before choosing an observability solution

As OpenTelemetry rises in popularity, more organizations are implementing, or planning to implement, the open source project to monitor their applications — and, meanwhile, more vendors are offering OpenTelemetry support. In fact, a quick Google search for “OpenTelemetry support” shows results ranging from legacy APM vendors to newer, cloud native solutions like Grafana Cloud.

OTel Explainer: Simplifying Observability in Modern IT Environments

In today's rapidly evolving landscape of distributed systems and microservices, understanding how applications behave in production environments has become increasingly complex. Traditional monitoring tools often fall short when it comes to providing comprehensive insights into the performance and behavior of these modern architectures.

Debugging and Decoding MongoDB with OpenTelemetry

MongoDB’s flexibility and document-oriented nature have always stood out to me as its most compelling features, setting it apart from the strict schema constraints of traditional relational databases. This adaptability is a boon for application development, allowing for more dynamic data interactions that mirror real-world information complexities and freeing table schemas’ constraints.

Get Swept Off Your Feet by Cribl Stream 4.5: Converting Dimensional Metrics to the OpenTelemetry Protocol Format with the OTLP Metrics Function

In the dynamic world of observability and analytics, everyone’s looking for smarter, more efficient, and interoperable ways to handle their data. That’s where Cribl steps in, bringing you an exciting update to our product lineup. We’re thrilled to introduce the OTLP Metrics Function to Cribl Stream 4.5! This Function converts metrics into the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format with ease!

Monitoring Kafka with OpenTelemetry including client side monitoring

In this video, you will see a demo of how to monitor Kafka with OpenTelemetry. We will instrument a NodeJS application using Kafka and get client side metrics like delay between producer emitting a message to consumer receiving it via distributed tracing. We will also get Kafka server metrics like consumer lag and plot it dashboards.

Analyze the root causes and business impact of production issues with Trace Queries

Tracing provides indispensable insights into the state and performance of distributed applications, but it can often be difficult to determine the root cause or ultimate business impact of issues indicated by traces. Translating visibility of individual microservices into broader performance insights often requires drawing complex correlations between spans. This can be a laborious process, which can complicate everything from troubleshooting and triage to tracking KPIs and managing costs.

Latest Top 11 Log Monitoring Tools [Includes Open-Source]

For any software company, a log monitoring tool is a must for collecting, storing, and providing a centralized view of all logs from different applications and hosts for faster anomaly detection, incident resolution, and troubleshooting. They can also help detect security threats and provide audit trails. They are effective in capacity planning, decision-making, and ensuring optimized performance.

OpenTelemetry Flask Instrumentation Complete Tutorial

In this article, we will use OpenTelemetry to instrument a sample Flask app for traces. Flask is one of the most popular web application frameworks of Python. It consists of Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. Instrumentation is the biggest challenge engineering teams face when starting out with monitoring their application performance. OpenTelemetry is the leading open-source standard that is solving the problem of instrumentation.

Monitoring apps based on Falcon Web Framework with OpenTelemetry

Falcon is a minimalist Python web API framework for building robust applications and microservices. It also compliments many other Python frameworks by providing extra reliability, flexibility, and performance. Using OpenTelemetry, you can monitor your Falcon applications for performance by collecting telemetry signals like traces. Instrumentation is the biggest challenge engineering teams face when starting out with monitoring their application performance.

The Top 9 Dynatrace Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Are you looking for a Dynatrace alternative? Then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will go through the top 9 Dynatrace alternatives. First, let's briefly discuss what Dynatrace offers and why you might consider other solutions. Dynatrace is a leading observability and application performance management (APM) platform, providing deep insights into application performance and reliability.

Livestream: Client side monitoring & metrics for Kafka using OpenTelemetry & SigNoz

In this livestream, we will walk through a demo of how to get client side insights from Kafka using distributed tracing. We will take a NodeJS producer and consumer setup communicating via Kafka to show how one can instrument this with OpenTelemetry, and get metrics from a client perspective. We will also touch on getting Kafka metrics using OpenTelemetry receivers.

Monitoring Django application performance with OpenTelemetry

Django is a popular open-source python web framework that enables rapid development while taking out much of the hassle from routine web development. It also helps developers to avoid common security mistakes. As such, many applications are built with Django. Django is very popular among web developers and has a huge community behind it. It gives web developers ready-to-use components for common things that you will need to accomplish for a web application.

Full Stack Clarity Troubleshooting Android OpenTelemetry

Developing a native Android app is a challenging task that requires a deep understanding of the Android SDK, as well as programming languages such as Java or Kotlin. The process requires navigating various tools, frameworks, and APIs, each with its own rules. On top of that, you need to ensure compatibility and optimal performance across the diverse Android ecosystem, with its multitude of devices, screen sizes, and OS versions.

Open Source Observability with OpenTelemetry and ChecklyDescription

We need to monitor our service's performance, but large closed SaaS options are expensive and complex. OpenTelemetry is the 'wave of the future' for observability, but is it ready for your team? Yes! Join Nočnica to see a demonstration of instrumenting a demo application and learn what OpenTelemetry can do. We'll also add external site monitors with Checkly synthetics checks.

Data Sovereignty and OpenTelemetry

In today’s economic and regulatory environment, data sovereignty is increasingly top of mind for observability teams. The rules and regulations surrounding telemetry data can often be challenging to interpret, leaving many teams in the dark about what kind of data they can capture, how long it can be stored, and where it has to reside. In the past, addressing these issues at scale was a costly endeavor.

Combining tracing and profiling for enhanced observability: Introducing Span Profiles

In today’s complex data landscape, continuous profiling has become essential for detailed insights into application resource usage. Grafana Labs is now advancing this field with the introduction of Span Profiles in Grafana 10.3. The Span Profiles feature represents a major shift in profiling methodology, enabling deeper analysis of both tracing and profiling data. Traditional continuous profiling provides a system-wide view over fixed intervals.

OpenTelemetry Nestjs Tracing Implementation Guide [2024 Updated]

Nestjs is a Nodejs framework for building scalable server-side applications with typescript. It makes use of frameworks like Express and Fastify to enable rapid development. It has gained wide popularity in recent times, and many applications are making use of the Nestjs framework. Using OpenTelemetry client libraries, you can monitor your Nestjs application. Monitoring your Nestjs application is critical for performance management.

Spans - a key concept of distributed tracing

Spans are fundamental building blocks of distributed tracing. A single trace in distributed tracing consists of a series of tagged time intervals known as spans. Spans represent a logical unit of work in completing a user request or transaction. Distributed tracing is critical to application performance monitoring in microservice-based architecture. Before we deep dive into spans, let's have a brief overview of distributed tracing.

Monitoring your FastAPI application with OpenTelemetry

FastAPI is a modern Python web framework based on standard Python type hints that makes it easy to build APIs. It's a relatively new framework, having been released in 2018 but has now been adopted by big companies like Uber, Netflix, and Microsoft. Using OpenTelemetry, you can monitor your FastAPI applications for performance by collecting telemetry signals like traces. FastAPI is one of the fastest Python web frameworks currently available and is really efficient when it comes to writing code.

Latest Top 13 Distributed Tracing Tools [perfect for microservices]

Modern digital organizations have rapidly adopted microservices-based architecture for their applications. Distributed tracing tools help monitor microservices-based applications. Choosing the right distributed tracing tool is critical. How do you know which is the right one for you? In this post, we will cover the top 13 distributed tracing tools in 2024 that can solve your monitoring and observability needs.

Exploring Winglang with OpenTelemetry

Late last year, during an engaging Twitch livestream by AWS Developer Advocate Darko Mesaroš, I was introduced to a new framework Id seen a few people talking about called Winglang. What really got my attention was this wasn’t just another entry in the list of cloud frameworks, Winglang was on a mission to redefine how we interact with cloud environments. Its ambition to serve as an expansive framework that could effortlessly connect different cloud platforms instantly caught my attention.

16,000+ Github stars, New Design Theme & Front Page of HN - SigNal 33

Welcome to the first SigNal of 2024! It is a year that we’re looking forward to accomplishing great things. We recently crossed 16,000+ GitHub stars as we continue to be amazed by the support of the developer community in our mission of open-source observability. Let’s see what humans of SigNoz were up to in January 2024.

Avoid Stubbing Your Toe on Telemetry Changes

When you have questions about your software, telemetry data is there for you. Over time, you make friends with your data, learning what queries take you right to the error you want to see, and what graphs reassure you that your software is serving users well. You build up alerts based on those errors. You set business goals as SLOs around those graphs.