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November 2021

PagerDuty at AWS re:Invent 2021-Deepening Our Collaboration with AWS

Across the globe, in-person technology events are beginning to emerge from their pandemic hibernation. For developers and DevOps teams, no event has been more anticipated than AWS re:Invent, which is back in Las Vegas, November 29th — December 3rd to help bring us all back together and slowly let us find our new normal. While handshakes may be replaced by elbow bumps or other newfound greeting rituals, we are excited to be back and see all of you in real life.

Identify Risks to Digital Operations

In today’s increasingly digital world, organizations must balance investment in uptime and experience with capital expenditure toward ongoing innovation. More than ever before, uninterrupted digital operations are responsible for the fiscal success of companies. Yet, these digital landscapes are major areas of vulnerability to business continuity. Today’s digital service disruptions can greatly affect people, facilities, assets and a company’s brand.

4 Ways To Ensure Reliability of Your Digital Services for GivingTuesday

In today’s digital economy, seconds matter. For mission-driven organizations, seconds can be a matter of life and death, and service reliability can make or break access to suicide and safety hotlines, disaster relief, time-critical health care, food assistance, and more. That’s where real-time digital operations comes in.

Fall 2021 Launch: Automate Incident Response to Accelerate Critical Work

Modern businesses are digital businesses—so managing your business means mastering your critical services and operations for your employees and customers. Today, you need to be able to understand every aspect of your company—as it unfolds—because in this world, seconds matter to your productivity, your revenue, and most importantly, your customers.

New Tech Leader Survey Reveals Why the Time for Real-Time Operations is Now

“Customer obsessed.” “Customer-centric.” “Customer-first.” For CEO’s everywhere, setting and maintaining a coordinated focus on the customer has become a top priority when driving innovation. After all, for many organizations regardless of industry, digital customer experiences are what can make or break the bottom line.

How service ownership can help you grow your operational maturity

Digital operations management is about harnessing the power of data to act when it matters the most. It’s also about having the right processes and procedures to support teams when every second is critical. Maturing your digital operations takes time, iteration, and commitment. The change won’t happen overnight. But, if you put in the effort, you’ll reap outsized benefits. You’ll be able to learn from incidents and proactively improve your services over time.