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June 2021

LDAP authentication with Sensu Go: troubleshooting & tips (Part 2)

Sensu creator and Developer Advocate Todd Campbell recently wrote about using LDAP authentication for single-sign on (SSO) with Sensu Go. That post provided a great overview of Sensu authentication and included some useful LDAP troubleshooting tips. In this post, we'll focus on the Sensu LDAP implementation and explore how SSO/LDAP users are linked to RBAC "profiles" (i.e. Roles and ClusterRoles). We'll also demonstrate how Sensu supports multiple LDAP providers thanks to its groups_prefix feature.

Sensu to be acquired by Sumo Logic

I am excited to announce that Sensu has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Sumo Logic (Nasdaq: SUMO), the pioneer in continuous intelligence. The acquisition will complement Sensu’s observability strategy by providing customers with a mature and comprehensive Observability Suite including log management, observability data platform, analytics, visualizations, and more.