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May 2021

Will Working Together Ruin Our Anarchist Workflow?

This week The Founders talk about the possibility of working more closely together and if it'll ruin the company's current approach to project management, anarchy. If that's not enough, Ben talks about streamlining SOC 2 auditing, Josh talks about updating Hook Relay's marketing, and Starr reviews Twist, our potential Basecamp replacement.

Understanding Bitcoin From a Developer's Perspective

This week, Josh and Ben talk crypto with Mike Mondragon! They cover the technology rather than the hype behind Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and NFTs. Yep, crypto on FounderQuest, pigs are flying! Don't miss creating Commit Coin to make NFTs out of merged PRs and Mike gives away some solid crypto business plans. Also, did someone say Honeybadger was acquiring Heroku?

Kicking The Tires On Basecamp Alternatives

This week The Founders check out some Basecamp alternatives for funsies just to see what's out there (or if they should just build one). They also discuss yak shaving and Josh's new ASCII yak for Honeybadger's Slackbot. Lastly, take a trip down memory lane as Ben and Starr discuss sweet tea and other Southern goodness. Kick up yer heels and listen up ya'll!