Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2023

Monitoring Junos OS with Prometheus vs. Graphite

When you plan monitoring strategies, the first thing you need to consider is the characteristics of the target systems. Depending on the resources you want to monitor, you will have to apply different architectural designs such as data collection, metrics generation, visualization, refresh schedule, and more. When you want to monitor network systems, making these considerations will allow you to achieve the right monitoring solutions.

What is Graphite?

What is Graphite? Simply put, Graphite is an open-source enterprise-ready time-series database. So what is a time-series database? Well, a time series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. Time Series databases have excellent benefits over traditional databases in terms of high performance, higher writes, improved scalability, better reliability, and many more.

Best Practices for Monitoring Kubernetes with Grafana

There are tons of tools to choose from when it comes to visualizing data, but Grafana has become one of the best ways for organizations to visualize information and get notified about events happening within their infrastructure or data. According to Kubernetes: In this article, we will take a look at the best practices for monitoring Kubernetes using Grafana.

Why Self-Hosting Monitoring So Complex and How MetricFire Can Help

The rise of self-hosting has revolutionized the way businesses operate online. With organizations increasingly moving away from traditional hosting services to manage their own infrastructure, the need for effective monitoring solutions has become paramount. However, self-hosting monitoring poses numerous challenges that can make it a daunting task for many businesses.

How MetricFire Can Help Monitor IoT Devices Using Telegraf and Mosquito

The growing popularity of IoT devices has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. From smart homes to industrial automation, these devices have become an integral part of our lives. However, managing and monitoring a large fleet of IoT devices can be a daunting task. With the sheer volume of data being generated by these devices, it becomes crucial to have a robust monitoring system in place.

Collectd Plugins

Collectd is a data collection software that allows you to fetch metrics from a machine being monitored locally and push them to Graphite. Everything is done by plugins. The collectd plugins can collect metrics on CPU, memory, Postgres, JVM, and many more metrics. Plugins can also be used to push these metrics to Graphite, aggregate data, send alerts, and send notifications to email.

Monitoring Digital Ocean with Hosted Graphite and Telegraf: A Comprehensive Guide

As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, the ability to monitor these environments becomes critically important. Digital Ocean is a popular choice for developers due to its simplicity and scalability. However, effectively monitoring resources and applications within Digital Ocean can pose unique challenges. Hosted Graphite and Telegraf provide powerful solutions for these challenges, allowing users to visualize data, track system metrics in real time, and troubleshoot issues quickly.

Using An Infrastructure Monitoring Dashboard

As businesses embrace more cloud-native technologies and IT infrastructure becomes more dispersed, they must connect their business goals and end-user experience with the availability and performance of their IT infrastructure. This change necessitates infrastructure monitoring to assure compatibility with cloud environments, operating systems, storage, servers, virtualized systems, and other components.

Monitoring Aruba Switches with Hosted Graphite and Telegraf

In today's digital landscape, network management is more important than ever. As businesses continue to expand and increase in complexity, so do their networks. Aruba switches play a vital role in this ecosystem by providing reliable, high-performance networking solutions for enterprise-level organizations. However, effective monitoring of these switches can be a challenge without the right tools at your disposal.

Easily Monitor Your Minecraft servers with MetricFire

Minecraft servers play a vital role in providing players with a dynamic and immersive multiplayer experience. Whether you're running a private server or managing a large-scale server network, performance and reliability define the quality of the gaming experience for all. While playing, a small lag or downtime can make players frustrated and keep worrying if there will be another lag. This is where monitoring your Minecraft servers comes into play.

Using the Graphite API for Beginners

Application Programming Interface, or API, is an important element to consider when you design an online product or platform. Well-designed API is equivalent to a well-designed user interface for enterprise customers. When you implement an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, your product can retain and attract more users.

Metrics for Monitoring Azure Event Hubs

Azure Monitor is a convenient tool designed to help you enhance the performance and accessibility of your various services and applications. A comprehensive solution, this tool helps teams analyze data from cloud-based and on-premises environments. In this post, we'll discuss the best metrics for monitoring Microsoft Azure Event Hubs, and how to get the most from the tool. Get started with a quick demo of MetricFire today to take charge of your network performance!

What is Pushgateway?

Prometheus is an amazing tool, but it has limitations. Some of your applications, including batch jobs and ephemeral jobs, may not live long enough for it to find and scrape them. Since Prometheus cannot scrape all jobs, the company developed Pushgateway as a bridge tool. Because you usually cannot push metrics directly to the Prometheus application, you can sometimes use a Pushgateway to deliver the necessary data. When you need monitoring solutions, try Metricfire.

Top 5 Open Source Server Monitoring Tools

Engineers are increasingly embracing open-source server monitoring tools for their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. These tools offer functionality without the need for additional investments. In this article, we'll explore the top open-source server monitoring tools: Graphite, Grafana, ELK Stack, and Nagios. These actively maintained tools have thriving communities. Let's delve into their features and benefits.

How to monitor a Lotus Domino Server

Maintaining your infrastructure's stability and reliability is paramount to your business operations' success in the swiftly evolving digital era. Among the key pillars that uphold this stability is efficient and comprehensive server monitoring. This becomes crucial when working with a Lotus Domino Server, a popular, versatile platform for hosting critical business applications, email hosting, and web services.

GCP Monitoring with Graphite and Grafana

In this article, we are going to look at what are the possible options available to users in terms of monitoring their applications hosted in the Google Cloud Platform. Graphite and Grafana are examples of the great tools available for monitoring time-series metrics for your cloud-hosted applications. There are also hosted monitoring options available for Google Cloud users through MetricFire’s offering of Hosted Graphite and Hosted Grafana.

What is Chronograf?

InfluxDB is an open-source time-series database, i.e. a database optimized for storing data points collected across an interval of time. Developed by InfluxData, InfluxDB is intended for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of many different system metrics. The entire InfluxDB project, which is housed at influxdata.com, includes: Yet with all of these tools for collecting and processing time-series data, there's still one step missing—visualizing it. That's where Chronograf comes in.

Lighthouse vs Sitespeed + Graphite: A Comparative Analysis of Web Performance Tools

Web performance is a critical aspect of delivering exceptional user experiences. To measure and optimize website performance, various tools are available, each offering unique features and capabilities. In this article, we will compare two popular web performance tools: Lighthouse and Sitespeed combined with Graphite. We'll explore the strengths and benefits of each toolset, helping you make an informed decision for your performance testing and optimization needs.

How to display a metric on a Graphite dashboard

Graphite is free and open-source software. It is used as a time-series database monitoring tool, where you can collect, store and display time-series data in real-time. As you can monitor certain metrics of this data using Graphite, it has a very useful and simple dashboard used to visualize these metrics. This article will show you how to display a metric on your Graphite dashboard. MetricFire specializes in monitoring systems.

10 Best Router Monitoring Software and Tools

Your IT infrastructure needs the best router monitoring software and tools. Are you using an option that helps employees and end-users succeed? Router monitoring software and tools have become essential for administrators to observe their IT infrastructure's traffic, prevent bottlenecks, and improve availability by predicting serious challenges before they occur. The right network monitoring tools give you insight into the overall health of your on-site infrastructure.

How to install Telegraf on Hosted Graphite with MetricFIre

Learn how to install and use MetricFire Telegraf in this tutorial. Telegraf is a collector agent for metrics and events from systems. Telegraf allows you to collect metrics from multiple systems and visualize the data in various ways. This Telegraf tutorial will walk you through the installation process and show you how to use the tool to collect metrics and events from systems. This is a great way to monitor your systems and track the performance of your applications in real time.

How to backup Whisper to the cloud

The privacy and security of our communication have become critical digital assets that enterprises should protect. The data can give companies valuable insights and allow them to develop new products and services. However, communication data can hold sensitive information such as personal details, financial records, and confidential conversations. To securely store and protect these data, Whisper, an Ethereum blockchain-based messaging protocol, was born.

Graphite Graphing and Monitoring tool

The Graphite graphing and monitoring tool is open-source software for monitoring time-series data, and it can be installed on any system, from cheap hardware to the cloud. Graphite collects time series data from infrastructure, servers, networks, and applications, and then provides the Graphite graphing UI for analyzing the data. Graphite has been around since 2008, and it has been continuously developing over the past 12 years.

Microapps vs Microservices

This article explores the rise of micro apps and microservices, driving faster and lighter software experiences. It discusses monitoring challenges in distributed systems and provides an introduction to monitoring Kubernetes. Learn about the basics, benefits, and differences of micro apps and microservices, along with insights into effective monitoring strategies. Discover MetricFire's monitoring solutions through a free trial.

Graphios - Connecting Graphite and Nagios

Graphios simplifies the process of sending Nagios performance data to backend systems like Graphite. With Graphios, users can easily integrate Nagios with Graphite, eliminating the need for complex scripts. This article explores Graphios' functionality, configuration, and installation process, empowering users to efficiently transfer Nagios data for monitoring and analysis.