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The latest News and Information on API Development, Management, Monitoring, and related technologies.

Publish SIGNL4 oncall and alert information to your Grafana dashboard

Grafana is as open source analytics and interactive visualization application. You can connect different data sources to display chart and graphs or even trigger alerts. Wouldn’t it be great to add information about SIGNL4 alerts or about who is on call as part of your dashboard? In this case you immediately get an overview about open, acknowledged, and closed alerts per category. Of you can see wo it currently on duty. Here is an example with a who-is-on call, and an alert overview panel.

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The HTTP/2 Landscape in 2021

When the internet first came into existence in 1983, its communication channels didn't exist, and it was just operational enough to be used for research purposes. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee had the idea to develop a system for the internet using TCP/IP protocols. That public project at CERN introduced HTTP, HTML, World Wide Web (WWW), and a client-server as communication mechanisms. In this post, you'll learn how HTTP protocol works and how new versions brought it to where we are now, with the widely used HTTP/2 in 2021.

Testing an API with Cypress

Is it possible to use just one tool to test everything? Although it may sound like a developer’s daydream, it is almost possible with Cypress, a JavaScript frontend testing framework. Cypress is built specifically for JavaScript frontend developers, and they can use it to start writing tests quickly without needing to add third-party dependencies or packages. This is a benefit missing from other tools like Selenium. In this tutorial, I will guide you through using Cypress to test an API.

Build Connected Solutions with APIs at Scale

As we have seen, the world can change quickly. What you were working on yesterday may not be what you work on today. How do you adapt and be able to existentially flex, stay ahead, and deliver quickly. This session will look at how to do this by building composable solutions with APIs to integrate, connect, and automate various infrastructure operations. Leverage various cloud APIs to build high quality solutions through reusability and sharing for quicker time to delivery.

How to Test HTTP/2 APIs

Slowly but surely, HTTP/2 is becoming the favored protocol for transporting data files between clients and servers. While HTTP/1 used to be the only way of loading web applications, it’s now lagging behind, especially on the UX front. Since 2015, HTTP/2 APIs have taken the lead with lightning-fast server responses. In particular, they’re responsible for state changes and server responses without the need for browser reloads.

Employing Agile Requirements Designer to Support API Testing: 5 Use Cases

If you’re a current user of Agile Requirements Designer (ARD), you are most likely using ARD to design your functional tests. But did you know that you can use ARD to create API tests that can be executed with your test automation framework? In this blog, I’ll share five real use cases for creating API tests with ARD. These examples come directly from our customers, and illustrate how our powerful model-based approach can scale your API testing.


CRUD and REST are two of the most popular concepts in the Application Program Interface (API) industry. REST was made to standardize the HTTP protocol interface between clients and servers and is one of the widely used design styles for web API. On the other hand, CRUD is an acronym used to refer to the four basic operations executed on database applications. Because both work on manipulating databases’ data, it’s easy to see why people have some confusion between them.

SOC2 Certification

Speedscale Inc. has achieved SOC 2 Type I compliance in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards for SOC for Service Organizations also known as SSAE 18. Achieving this standard with an unqualified opinion serves as third-party industry validation that Speedscale Inc. provides enterprise-level security for customer’s data secured in the Speedscale Inc. System. Speedscale Inc.

Working With the WordPress REST API

Logging is an important part of every software application. In addition to capturing user activity, well-structured logs can make it easier to debug problems should they occur. But if your application is split up across several different subsystems, collecting and analyzing disparate logs can be a real challenge. Picture this scenario: You work at a startup that uses a CMS managed by a few admins. You also have a standalone front-end application for users to communicate with your platform via an API.

Launching Performance and Error Tracing & new Vercel integration.

Today, I'm super excited to announce our new Performance and Error tracing features for all Playwright-based browser checks. One of our key initiatives is supporting you with deeper insights into what is causing issues in the web apps you monitor with Checkly. With this new set of features we give you actionable data for easy debugging; Collected automatically with no extra code needed. Of course, fixing bugs in Production is great, but catching bugs before they go live is even better!