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An MSP's Guide to Navigating Google and Yahoo's 2023 Email Changes

For MSPs wanting to market their businesses, understanding the shifting terrain of email deliverability is crucial. In the aftermath of Google and Yahoo’s fall 2023 updates, the effectiveness of email communication has been significantly impacted. In this blog I want to look at some actionable strategies you can implement to ensure your messages still reach their intended recipients.

Regular Spam Testing with GlockApps: Why You Should Perform It and How It Works

Did you know that according to statistics, 99% of email users check their inbox every day, and some of them check it 20 times a day? And what is very interesting is that 58% of them check their mailboxes first of all in the morning. That means that a huge number of people have already read a bunch of different emails from brands and may have made purchases and signed up for subscriptions.

Google's latest email policy and safer, more secure inboxes

Say that you're a bulk sender (in Google's terms, a user who sends more than 5,000 emails at once). You send a couple of emails and are baffled with alert messages that state your emails are unauthenticated; it can be shocking and annoying. In 2022, a staggering 333 billion emails were sent daily. According to data released by Google, unauthenticated messages received by Gmail users plummeted by 75%.

Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective Prevention

Surely you may have at one time or another received an email warning of an outstanding invoice, a parcel shipment that you did not expect or a warning from the bank about suspicious activity in your account. These messages usually adopt an alarming tone and provide you with a link to a website that you must visit right away to verify your personal information or to complete payment information. Caution! This is a “phishing” attempt, one of the most popular scam methods on the Internet!

Understanding and Preventing Email Spoofing Attacks

Now that most people are familiar with and thus able to avoid standard phishing attacks, malicious actors have shifted to something more insidious. Email spoofing is an attack in which attackers impersonate someone the target knows, is a much more subtle way to compromise a user’s credentials or device. Like phishing, however, once you know the signs of a spoofed email and train other users on how to spot them, addressing the issue is often straightforward.

Don't Take the Bait: Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Phishing and Baiting

The old days of a hacker sitting alone in a basement typing feverishly to breach a database are over. That's just for the movies. In the real world, almost all cyberattacks are socially engineered, meaning we fall for scams. Of course, there are levels to creating a scam. It can range anywhere from getting an email from a Nigerian prince claiming you've won millions of dollars to an email from your bank asking for your personal information. With so many situations to look out for, here are some general tips so you don't take the bait.

All I want for Christmas is...no more phishing emails!

It’s the holiday season again, which means family gatherings, good food, and plenty of toasts. It also means a lot of online activity—buying gifts, getting promotional offers, booking deliveries—all of which mean a continuous flow of emails sent to your personal and business accounts. With so much going on, even experienced users can accidentally fall prey to one of the many “hooks” that cybercriminals are putting out there.

Cloud-Based Email Security - Managing Your Email Security from Anywhere

There's a lot of talk about cloud-based email security. Many companies are using it, and many people are interested in it. But not many understand how it works or why they should consider switching from their current solution. That's why it's necessary to know why you should consider cloud-based email security for your business and how it works.

To Help You Secure Your Email, Private Portal Is Now Available-For Free

We live in a world where 83% of security professionals believe that employees have accidentally exposed customer or business-sensitive data at their organization via email (Business Wire). This sheds light on a great vulnerability faced by MSPs and internal IT businesses worldwide: once you share critical information with your end users, that data is no longer in your hands, hence your security does not extend to it anymore. If only there was a way to prevent that! Luckily, there is.