Goliath Technologies: Citrix CTP Shared How To Troubleshoot "Citrix is Slow"

Goliath Technologies: Citrix CTP Shared How To Troubleshoot "Citrix is Slow"


George Spiers, Citrix CTP, is joining Goliath to discuss the real pains organizations face when trying to troubleshoot and discover the root cause of “Citrix is Slow” complaints from their end users -- especially when the problem isn't Citrix.

Based on real-world examples, George Spiers will show how to proactively anticipate, troubleshoot, and prevent end-user experience issues regardless of where IT workloads or users are located.

Spiers and Goliath will discuss how to troubleshoot:

  • Logons are slow and drill down into the various stages to identify if the root cause is with the brokering phase, receiver startup, group policy or more.
  • Session performance is slow and determine if the core issue is with session latency, lack of CPU on the virtual machines, need for more memory on the hypervisor host, or other varying points of failure within the delivery stack.
  • During a Citrix upgrade and view end-user performance metrics from the old and new version from a single pane of glass.