Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

June 2020

Using Foglight to collect data from IoT Sensors with MQTT

The IoT, Internet of Things, has arrived. Sensors are everywhere, collecting more and more data about us and the world around us. Temperature, Humidity, Fluid Levels, Traffic counts, the status of devices and things like doors and elevators are being collected and distributed all around us. The question now is "What do we do with all that data?

Database Monitoring for Developers with Foglight

Traditionally, DBAs are the ones primarily tasked with maintaining high availability and peak performance of the database environment. Therefore, they assume the responsibility of evaluating Performance Monitoring solutions. This requires identifying the diagnostics needs specific to the environment. With the *DevOps workflow becoming more popular, DBAs and Developers are finding it to be mutually beneficial to find efficient ways to proactively address database performance.

How cross platform monitoring can help reduce IT costs

What has become a typical theme in the arena of Information Technology are the concerns around managing costs associated with these systems. Whether it be the capital and operating expenditures associated with the data center, or the ongoing costs associated with everyday management and maintenance, most organizations want better control over what seems to be an ever-growing IT budget.