5 Ways to Troubleshoot Faster, Boost Security, and Upsell Clients with Auvik TrafficInsights

5 Ways to Troubleshoot Faster, Boost Security, and Upsell Clients with Auvik TrafficInsights

Jul 30, 2019

As an MSP, you put a lot of time and effort into building trust with your clients. When you earn it, they’re more receptive to your advice and recommendations—your relationship (and related MRR) can continue to grow.

But there’s one answer that can break down that trust in just three words: “I don’t know.”

With Auvik TrafficInsights, you’ll have deep visibility into all traffic that flows across their network, so you can be confident knowing you can quickly troubleshoot and get answers to any questions they throw your way—and proactively protect their business from security threats and capacity issues.

Watch this one-hour webinar with Steve Petryschuk, Director of Systems Engineering at Auvik, to find out:

  • How TrafficInsights goes beyond traditional NetFlow to analyze encrypted traffic
  • How to get this visibility in mere minutes
  • When and how to use it to troubleshoot and boost their network security—fast
  • How using it as a capacity planning tool can create upsell opportunities