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April 2019

Monitoring Kubernetes + Docker, part 3: Sensu + Prometheus

In part 1 of this series, we discuss the rise of Kubernetes and Docker for containerization and container orchestration. I also shared some of the challenges these new technologies present and what sources of data we use to monitor Kubernetes. Part 2 dives into collecting Kubernetes data with Prometheus, plus the pros and cons of that approach. As promised in the conclusion of that post, I’ll address those cons — showing how Sensu and Prometheus form a complementary solution.

Understanding RBAC in Sensu Go

Regulating access to resources is a fundamental measure for enterprises to ensure the security and reliability of a system. The last thing you need is a stolen or weak password to give up the keys to the proverbial kingdom. With role-based access control (RBAC), this risk is mitigated by providing only the necessary access so a user in your organization doesn't have more access than needed.

Infrastructure as code: evolution and practice

As infrastructure has evolved and matured over the last decade, the way in which we build and deploy that infrastructure has — for the most part — kept pace. As the velocity of deployments increased, and practices such as continuous deployment and delivery became the norm, it became critical that we manage infrastructure and deploy applications in a similar way.

How to monitor 1,000 network devices using Sensu Go and Ansible (in under 10 minutes)

Network monitoring at scale is an age-old problem in IT. In this post, I’ll discuss a brief history of network monitoring tools — including the pain points of legacy technology when it came to monitoring thousands of devices — and share my modern-day solution using Sensu Go and Ansible.